eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Type defining the VariationSpecificPictureSet container, which is used to specify the URL(s) where the picture(s) of the variation specific will be hosted. If the Variations.Pictures container is used, at least one VariationSpecificPictureSet container is required.

Type that uses VariationSpecificPictureSetType:

Calls that use VariationSpecificPictureSetType:


ExtendedPictureDetails ( ExtendedPictureDetailsType ) [0..1]
Returns the URLs of the seller's self-hosted (hosted outside of eBay) variation specific pictures and the URL for the corresponding eBay Picture Services (EPS), that was generated when the picture was uploaded.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ExtendedPictureDetails.

ExternalPictureURL ( anyURI ) [0..*]
Returns the URL of a variation-specific picture that is hosted outside of eBay.

When you list, revise, or relist a variation, use VariationSpecificPictureSet.PictureURL (not ExternalPictureURL) to specify your self-hosted picture or EPS picture.

Note: All images must comply to the Picture Requirements. This is returned only when the seller used a self-hosted picture for the variation.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ExternalPictureURL.

PictureURL ( anyURI ) [0..*]
The URL of a picture that is associated with the VariationSpecificValue. A variation specific picture set can consist of up to 12 self-hosted or eBay Picture Services (EPS) hosted pictures. eBay Picture Services and self-hosted images can never be combined into the same variation specific picture set. To specify more than one image, use multiple PictureURL fields, passing in a distinct URL in each of those fields. This field cannot have an empty/null value. The UploadSiteHostedPictures call can be used to upload pictures to EPS. Note that if pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

The image specified in the first PictureURL field is also used as the thumbnail image for applicable variations. For example, if the picture set contains pictures of red shirts (i.e., VariationSpecificName=Color and VariationSpecificValue=Red), the first picture is used as the thumbnail image for all the red shirt variations.

Note: Up to 12 pictures may be specified for one variation within a multiple-variation listing.
Note: All images, whether they are hosted by EPS or self-hosted, must comply with eBay picture requirements, including the requirement that all images must be at least 500 pixels on its longest side. If the image does not satisfy the 500 pixels requirement, the listing may be blocked. For more information about other requirements and tips for adding pictures to listings, see the Adding pictures to your listings help page. You can use Item.PictureDetails to specify additional pictures. For example, the item-level pictures could include a model wearing a black shirt, as a typical example of the shirt style.

Note: If a URL contains spaces, those spaces can be replaced with %20. For example, https://example.com/my image.jpg must be submitted as https://example.com/my%20image.jpg to replace the space in the image file name. However, a semicolon character (;) cannot be replaced with %20, so a semicolon cannot be a part of the URL, as an error will occur. Variation pictures cannot be added or removed from a fixed-price listing when the listing is scheduled to end within 12 hours or if the item variation has already had transactions.

Note: For some large merchants, there are no limitations on when variation pictures can be added or removed from a fixed-price listing, even when the item variation has had transactions or is set to end within 12 hours.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PictureURL.

VariationSpecificValue ( string ) [0..1]
A value that is associated with VariationSpecificName. For example, suppose this set of pictures is showing blue shirts, and some of the variations include Color=Blue in their variation specifics. If VariationSpecificName is Color , then VariationSpecificValue would be Blue.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VariationSpecificValue.