ReviseInventoryStatusRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )
Enables a seller to change the price and/or quantity of one to four active, fixed-price listings. The fixed-price listing to modify is identified with the ItemID of the listing and/or the SKU value of the item (if a seller-defined SKU value exists for the listing). If the seller is modifying one or more variations within a multiple-variation listing, the ItemID and SKU fields in the InventoryStatus container become required, with the ItemID value identifying the listing, and the SKU value identifying the specific product variation within that multiple-variation listing. Each variation within a multiple-variation listing requires a seller-defined SKU value.
Whether updating the price and/or quantity of a single-variation listing or a specific variation within a multiple-variation listing, the limit of items or item variations that can be modified with one call is four.
Call that uses ReviseInventoryStatusRequestType: