eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetSellerTransactionsRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves a seller's order line item information. To retrieve order line items for another seller, the GetItemTransactions) call should be used. This call cannot retrieve sales older than 90 days old.

If one or more SKU values or the date range filters (ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo or NumberOfDays) are not used, the GetItemTransactions) call will retrieve order line items created (or modified) within the last 30 days.

Call that uses GetSellerTransactionsRequestType:


IncludeCodiceFiscale ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is included in the call request and set to true, taxpayer identification information for the buyer is returned under the BuyerTaxIdentifier container.

Codice Fiscale is only applicable to buyers on the Italy and Spain sites. It is required that buyers on the Italy site provide their Codice Fiscale ID before buying an item, and sellers on the Spain site have the option of requiring buyers on the Spain site to provide their taxpayer ID.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeCodiceFiscale.

IncludeContainingOrder ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field is included and set to true if the user wants to view order-level details, including the unique identifier of the order and the status of the order. The order-level details will be shown in the ContainingOrder container in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeContainingOrder.

IncludeFinalValueFee ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field is included and set to true if the user wants to view the Final Value Fee (FVF) for all order line items in the response. The Final Value Fee is returned in the Transaction.FinalValueFee field. The Final Value Fee is assessed right after the creation of an order line item.

See the Selling fees help page for more information about how Final Value Fees are calculated.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeFinalValueFee.

InventoryTrackingMethod ( InventoryTrackingMethodCodeType ) [0..1]
This filter is used if the seller wishes to set/change the inventory tracking method. When creating a listing with the AddFixedPriceItem call (or relisting with RelistFixedPriceItem call), sellers can decide whether to track their inventory by Item ID (generated by eBay at listing time) or by seller-defined SKU value.

This field is needed (and its value must be set to SKU) if the seller wishes to retrieve order line items based on specified SKU values (specified through SKUArray container) and the current inventory tracking method is set to Item ID.

A seller can use a GetItem call for a listing (and look for the Item.InventoryTrackingMethod in the response) to see which inventory tracking method is used for the listing/product.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use InventoryTrackingMethod.

ModTimeFrom ( dateTime ) [0..1]
The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields are used to retrieve order line items that were created or modified within a specified date range. The ModTimeFrom field is the starting date range. All of the seller's order line items that were created or modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum date range that may be specified is 30 days. This value cannot be set back more than 90 days in the past, as this call cannot retrieve sales older than 90 days. This field is not applicable if the NumberOfDays date filter is used.

If you don't specify a ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo filter, the NumberOfDays time filter is used and it defaults to 30 (days).
Note: Please note that for a multiple line item order, all line items of that order that meet the filter criteria may be returned in the responses, even the line item(s) that were not actually modified. In other words, if any part of the order was modified, all line items of that order may be returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ModTimeFrom.

ModTimeTo ( dateTime ) [0..1]
The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields are used to retrieve order line items that were created or modified within a specified date range. The ModTimeTo field is the ending date range. All of the seller's order line items that were created or modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum date range that may be specified is 30 days.

If the ModTimeFrom field is used and the ModTimeTo field is omitted, the ModTimeTo value defaults to the present time or to 30 days past the ModTimeFrom value (if ModTimeFrom value is more than 30 days in the past). This field is not applicable if the NumberOfDays date filter is used.

If you don't specify a ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo filter, the NumberOfDays time filter is used and it defaults to 30 (days).
Note: Please note that for a multiple line item order, all line items of that order that meet the filter criteria may be returned in the responses, even the line item(s) that were not actually modified. In other words, if any part of the order was modified, all line items of that order may be returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ModTimeTo.

NumberOfDays ( int ) [0..1]
This field is used to specify how many days (24-hour periods) back in the past you wish to retrieve order line items. All order line items created (or last modified) within this period are retrieved. This value can be set between 1 (day) and 30 (days), and defaults to 30 (days) if omitted from the call.

If the NumberOfDays filter is used, ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo date range filters are ignored (if included in the same request).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NumberOfDays.

Pagination ( PaginationType ) [0..1]
If many order line items are available to retrieve, you may need to call GetSellerTransactions multiple times to retrieve all the data. Each result set is returned as a page of order line items. Use the Pagination filters to control the maximum number of order line items to retrieve per page (i.e., per call), and the page number to retrieve.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Pagination.

Not used by any call.

Note: This field should no longer be used since its sole purpose was to allow the seller to filter between eBay orders and Half.com orders, and the Half.com site no longer exists.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Platform.

SKUArray ( SKUArrayType ) [0..1]
This container is used to search for order line items generated from one or more product SKU values. The response will only include order line items for the seller's product(s) that are represented by the specified SKU value(s).

If a user wants to retrieve order line items based on SKUs, the InventoryTrackingMethod must be set to SKU. The InventoryTrackingMethod value can be set when the seller lists the item through an AddFixedPriceItem call, or it can be set by including the InventoryTrackingMethod field in a GetSellerTransactions call and setting its value to SKU.
Note: SKU values must be defined for products in listings for this container to be applicable.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SKUArray.