eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Type defining the CheckoutStatus container that is returned in GetOrders to indicate the current checkout status of the order.

Type that uses CheckoutStatusType:

Call that uses CheckoutStatusType:


eBayPaymentStatus ( PaymentStatusCodeType ) [0..1]
Indicates the status of the buyer's payment for an order. If the payment was successfuly processed, a value of NoPaymentFailure will be returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use eBayPaymentStatus.

IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field is no longer applicable as eBay sellers can no longer use iMCC gateway accounts to handle buyer payments.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled.

LastModifiedTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
This timestamp indicates when the order was last modified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LastModifiedTime.

PaymentInstrument ( BuyerPaymentInstrumentCodeType ) [0..1]
The enumeration value in this field indicates which payment method was used by the German buyer who was offered the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option. This field will only be returned if a German buyer was offered the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option. Otherwise, the buyer's selected payment method is returned in the PaymentMethod field.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PaymentInstrument.

The payment method that the buyer selected to pay for the order.

Note: Sellers no longer have to specify any electronic payment methods at listing time, but this field is still returned. The value returned in this field will generally be CreditCard, unless an eBay gift card was used by the buyer to pay a partial or full balance of the order. If this is the case, the value returned in this field will be CCAccepted. Either of these two values will be returned, but neither accurately reflects the actual payment method that the buyer used. If the order was paid for off of eBay's platform using an 'offline' payment method such as 'CashOnPickup' or 'MOCC' (money order or cashier's check), and the seller marked the order as paid, either of those values may get returned here.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PaymentMethod.

Indicates the status of the order. This value is subject to change based on the status of the checkout flow. Generally speaking, the Status field reads Incomplete when payment has yet to be initiated, Pending when payment has been initiated but is in process, and Complete when the payment process has completed.

Note: If the PaymentMethod is CashOnPickup, the Status value will read Complete right at checkout, even though the seller may not have been officially paid yet, and the eBayPaymentStatus field will read NoPaymentFailure. The Status value will remain as Complete even if the seller changes the checkout status to Pending. However, the eBayPaymentStatus value in GetOrders will change from NoPaymentFailure to PaymentInProcess.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Status.