eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Use this call to retrieve information from the All Buying section of the authenticated user's My eBay account. You can review items that the user is watching, bidding on, has won, has not won, and those items on which they have made best offers or second chance offers. You can return a user's saved searches, their favorite sellers, and items that they have deleted from their lost and won lists. You can also return the lists that were created by the user (known as user defined lists).

GetMyeBayBuying returns information for only the user authenticated with the call. Responses are based on the information in their My eBay account.

Usage Details

Depending on the buying information you want to inspect, GetMyeBayBuying can return any combination of buying information contained in the user's My eBay account. For each response container you want returned, specify a value of true in the respective container's Include field in your request. For example, the following code returns the list of items that the user is currently watching:


Each response container returns with a default set of fields. If you need, use the controls provided in each container to filter or alter the presentation of the default response set. For example, some containers can be sorted and some support pagination.

To return all the buying containers, set DetailLevel to ReturnAll. In this case, you only have to specify a container if you want to override the default return set with a custom setting. If you want to exclude a specific container from the response, set Include to false in the appropriate container.

Note, however, that BuyingSummary is not automatically returned when DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll; if you want a buying summary returned, you must specify the container in the request.

GetMyeBayBuying does not provide a way to specify maximum number of records returned that applies to all containers. However, you can specify the maximum number of records returned per container, provided that the container supports the MaxResults element.

In the UserDefinedLists container, you can specify whether all user defined lists are returned, or only the one specified. You can also specify whether list contents are returned, or only the names of the user defined lists.

Working with the Response

The BestOfferList, BidList, DeleteFromLostList, DeleteFromWonList, LostList, WatchList, and WonList containers all support pagination. It is recommended that you use pagination because results can be quite long.

The UserDefinedList container can return lists of sellers, searches, and/or items, depending on what the user has added.

Testing GetMyeBayBuying

You can test GetMyeBayBuying in the Sandbox. Because the call returns information for only the user making the call, you will need to use several test users to fully test the call. Create tokens for the different users and use the appropriate tokens when making calls for the different users. If needed, you can use automated test users in the Sandbox; see Testing in the SandBox for more information.

Create several sample listings with one registered Sandbox user. Use different (buying) Sandbox users to place bids and watches on the listings. With the buying test users, create and save searches and favorite seller lists.

When testing this call, make sure that the items returned in WatchList or BidList are active listings. Also, make sure that items returned in WonList or LostList are for listings that have ended. Check the user's My eBay accounts in the Sandbox user interface and make sure the lists returned by the call match those in the UI.

Request a WatchList, BidList, WonList, or LostList and specify a DurationInDays (valid values are 0-60). Check the user's My eBay account in the user interface and make sure the correct items are returned for the duration you specify.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that could be included in the call request. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are (or soon will be) non-operational.

The XML prototype does not include requester credentials. This is a documentation limitation only (see Standard Requester Credentials for Making Calls).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMyeBayBuyingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Input Fields -->
  <BestOfferList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <DurationInDays> int </DurationInDays>
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <BidList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <BuyingSummary> ItemListCustomizationType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
  <DeletedFromLostList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <DurationInDays> int </DurationInDays>
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <DeletedFromWonList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <DurationInDays> int </DurationInDays>
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <FavoriteSearches> MyeBaySelectionType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeFavoriteSellerCount> boolean </IncludeFavoriteSellerCount>
    <IncludeItemCount> boolean </IncludeItemCount>
    <IncludeListContents> boolean </IncludeListContents>
    <MaxResults> int </MaxResults>
    <Sort> SortOrderCodeType </Sort>
    <UserDefinedListName> string </UserDefinedListName>
  <FavoriteSellers> MyeBaySelectionType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeFavoriteSellerCount> boolean </IncludeFavoriteSellerCount>
    <IncludeItemCount> boolean </IncludeItemCount>
    <IncludeListContents> boolean </IncludeListContents>
    <MaxResults> int </MaxResults>
    <Sort> SortOrderCodeType </Sort>
    <UserDefinedListName> string </UserDefinedListName>
  <HideVariations> boolean </HideVariations>
  <LostList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <DurationInDays> int </DurationInDays>
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <SecondChanceOffer> MyeBaySelectionType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeFavoriteSellerCount> boolean </IncludeFavoriteSellerCount>
    <IncludeItemCount> boolean </IncludeItemCount>
    <IncludeListContents> boolean </IncludeListContents>
    <MaxResults> int </MaxResults>
    <Sort> SortOrderCodeType </Sort>
    <UserDefinedListName> string </UserDefinedListName>
  <UserDefinedLists> MyeBaySelectionType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeFavoriteSellerCount> boolean </IncludeFavoriteSellerCount>
    <IncludeItemCount> boolean </IncludeItemCount>
    <IncludeListContents> boolean </IncludeListContents>
    <MaxResults> int </MaxResults>
    <Sort> SortOrderCodeType </Sort>
    <UserDefinedListName> string </UserDefinedListName>
  <WatchList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <WonList> ItemListCustomizationType
    <DurationInDays> int </DurationInDays>
    <Include> boolean </Include>
    <IncludeNotes> boolean </IncludeNotes>
    <Pagination> PaginationType
      <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
      <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
    <Sort> ItemSortTypeCodeType </Sort>
  <!-- Standard Input Fields -->
  <DetailLevel> DetailLevelCodeType </DetailLevel>
  <!-- ... more DetailLevel values allowed here ... -->
  <ErrorLanguage> string </ErrorLanguage>
  <MessageID> string </MessageID>
  <OutputSelector> string </OutputSelector>
  <!-- ... more OutputSelector values allowed here ... -->
  <Version> string </Version>
  <WarningLevel> WarningLevelCodeType </WarningLevel>
Argument Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Input Fields [Jump to standard fields]
BestOfferList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the BestOfferList.Include field to true to return the list of items on which the eBay user has made a Best Offer.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of items that will be returned.
BestOfferList.DurationInDays int Optional Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7.
Min: 0. Max: 60.
BestOfferList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
BestOfferList.IncludeNotes boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
BestOfferList.ListingType ListingTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the listing type of items in the returned list.

Applicable values:

(in/out) This enumeration value represents a classified ad in a Real Estate category. This listing type is only used to solicit inquiries from interested parties. To express interest, a buyer fills in a contact form that eBay forwards to the seller as a lead. This format does not enable buyers and sellers to transact online through eBay, and eBay Feedback is not available for ad format listings.

Although listing durations may vary by eBay marketplace and category, typical listing durations for real estate ads are 30 and 90 days. It is recommended that the seller uses the GetCategoryFeatures call to retrieve the actual listing durations that are supported for real estate ads on a particular marketplace and category.
(in/out) This enumeration value is only applicable to the GetMyeBaySelling call. This value is used in the ActiveList.ListingType field if the seller only wants to retrieve active listings that are in the auction format.
(in/out) With this listing format, the selling is offering the item at a fixed price, although it is still possible for the seller to negotiate the price with prospective buyers using the Best Offer feature. A fixed-price listing can offer a single item, or if the seller has multiple quantity of the same item, multiple quantity of that same item can be made available for sale through the same listing. Additionally, the seller can set up a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing, where similar items can be sold through the same listing. An example of a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing might be a t-shirt (or another article of clothing) that is available in multiple color and size combinations.

Traditionally, listing durations for fixed-prices listings have varied by eBay marketplace and category. Typical listing durations for fixed-price listings ranged from three to 30 days, or GTC (Good 'Til Cancelled). As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions:
  • The following eBay Motors US categories are exempt from this change: Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466).
  • All child categories under Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800) categories on the eBay UK and eBay Italy sites are also exempt from this change.

With the 'GTC' listing duration, the listing will remain active as long as the listing shows that inventory is available for purchase (available quantity is '1' or more). For sellers listing motor vehicles on the eBay US Motors, eBay UK, or eBay Italy sites, it is recommended that the seller uses the GetCategoryFeatures call to retrieve the supported listing durations for their particular marketplace and category.

Note: As long as a fixed-price listing has inventory available, or if the out-of-stock control feature is being used, GTC listings are automatically renewed each month according to the calendar day.

(Not all values in ListingTypeCodeType apply to this field.)
BestOfferList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
BestOfferList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
BidList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the BidList.Include field to true to return the list of auction items on which the eBay user has bid.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of auction items that will be returned.
BidList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
BidList.IncludeNotes boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
BidList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
BidList.Pagination.PageNumber int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
BidList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
BuyingSummary ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the BuyingSummary.Include field to true to return the BuyingSummary container in the response. The BuyingSummary container consists of buying/bidding activity counts and values.
BuyingSummary.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
DeletedFromLostList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the DeletedFromLostList.Include field to true to return the list of auction items on which the eBay user has bid on and lost, and has deleted from their My eBay page.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of auction items that will be returned.
int Optional Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7.
Min: 0. Max: 60.
DeletedFromLostList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
DeletedFromLostList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
DeletedFromLostList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
DeletedFromWonList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the DeletedFromWonList.Include field to true to return the list of auction items on which the eBay user has bid on and won, but has deleted from their My eBay page.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of auction items that will be returned.
int Optional Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7.
Min: 0. Max: 60.
DeletedFromWonList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
DeletedFromWonList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
DeletedFromWonList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
FavoriteSearches MyeBaySelectionType Optional Include this container and set the FavoriteSearches.Include field to true to return the list of the eBay user's saved searches.
FavoriteSearches.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include FavoriteSellerCount in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the item count in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specify true to return the full user defined list contents in the response's UserDefinedList containers. A value of false means only a summary of the user defined list will be returned. The default value is false.
FavoriteSearches.MaxResults int Optional Specifies the maximum number of items in the returned list. If not specified, returns all items in the list.
FavoriteSearches.Sort SortOrderCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in ascending (low to high) order.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in descending (high to low) order.
string Optional Specifies that only the user defined list whose name matches the given name should be in the returned list. If the user does not have a matching record, no data is returned. If this element is omitted, the information for all records is returned. For use only within the UserDefinedLists element.
FavoriteSellers MyeBaySelectionType Optional Include this container and set the FavoriteSellers.Include field to true to return the list of the eBay user's saved sellers.
FavoriteSellers.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include FavoriteSellerCount in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the item count in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specify true to return the full user defined list contents in the response's UserDefinedList containers. A value of false means only a summary of the user defined list will be returned. The default value is false.
FavoriteSellers.MaxResults int Optional Specifies the maximum number of items in the returned list. If not specified, returns all items in the list.
FavoriteSellers.Sort SortOrderCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in ascending (low to high) order.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in descending (high to low) order.
string Optional Specifies that only the user defined list whose name matches the given name should be in the returned list. If the user does not have a matching record, no data is returned. If this element is omitted, the information for all records is returned. For use only within the UserDefinedLists element.
HideVariations boolean Optional If this field is included and set to true, the Variations node (and all variation data) is omitted for all multiple-variation listings in the response. If this field is omitted or set to false, the Variations node is returned for all multiple-variation listings in the response.

Default: false.
LostList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the LostList.Include field to true to return the list of auction items on which the eBay user has bid on and lost.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of auction items that will be returned.
LostList.DurationInDays int Optional Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7.
Min: 0. Max: 60.
LostList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
LostList.IncludeNotes boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
LostList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
LostList.Pagination.PageNumber int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
LostList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
SecondChanceOffer MyeBaySelectionType Optional Include this container and set the SecondChanceOffer.Include field to true to return any Second Chance Offers that the eBay user has received.
SecondChanceOffer.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include FavoriteSellerCount in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the item count in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specify true to return the full user defined list contents in the response's UserDefinedList containers. A value of false means only a summary of the user defined list will be returned. The default value is false.
SecondChanceOffer.MaxResults int Optional Specifies the maximum number of items in the returned list. If not specified, returns all items in the list.
SecondChanceOffer.Sort SortOrderCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in ascending (low to high) order.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in descending (high to low) order.
string Optional Specifies that only the user defined list whose name matches the given name should be in the returned list. If the user does not have a matching record, no data is returned. If this element is omitted, the information for all records is returned. For use only within the UserDefinedLists element.
UserDefinedLists MyeBaySelectionType Optional Include this container and set the UserDefinedLists.Include field to true to return one or more user-defined lists. User-defined lists are lists created by the user in My eBay and consists of a combination of items, saved sellers, and/or saved searches.
UserDefinedLists.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include FavoriteSellerCount in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the item count in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
boolean Optional Specify true to return the full user defined list contents in the response's UserDefinedList containers. A value of false means only a summary of the user defined list will be returned. The default value is false.
UserDefinedLists.MaxResults int Optional Specifies the maximum number of items in the returned list. If not specified, returns all items in the list.
UserDefinedLists.Sort SortOrderCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in ascending (low to high) order.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in descending (high to low) order.
string Optional Specifies that only the user defined list whose name matches the given name should be in the returned list. If the user does not have a matching record, no data is returned. If this element is omitted, the information for all records is returned. For use only within the UserDefinedLists element.
WatchList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the WatchList.Include field to true to return the list of items on the eBay user's Watch List.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of watched items that will be returned.
WatchList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
WatchList.IncludeNotes boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
WatchList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
WatchList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
WonList ItemListCustomizationType Optional Include this container and set the WonList.Include field to true to return the list of auction items on which the eBay user has bid on and won.

The user also has the option of using pagination and sorting for the list of auction items that will be returned.
WonList.DurationInDays int Optional Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7.
Min: 0. Max: 60.
WonList.Include boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include the container in the response. Set the value to true to return the default set of fields for the container. Not needed if you set a value for at least one other field in the container.

If you set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, set Include to false to exclude the container from the response.
WonList.IncludeNotes boolean Optional Specifies whether or not to include Item.PrivateNotes and Item.eBayNotes in the response.
Default: false.
WonList.Pagination PaginationType Optional Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list.
Default for EntriesPerPage with GetMyeBayBuying is 200.
int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.
WonList.Pagination.PageNumber int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
WonList.Sort ItemSortTypeCodeType Optional Specifies the sort order of the result. Default is Ascending.

Applicable values: See Sort.
Standard Input Fields  
DetailLevel DetailLevelCodeType Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of data to return for particular data components (e.g., each Item, Transaction, or User) within the response payload. For example, a particular detail level might cause the response to include buyer-related data in every result (e.g., for every Item), but no seller-related data.

Specifying a detail level is like using a predefined attribute list in the SELECT clause of an SQL query. Use the DetailLevel element to specify the required detail level that the client application needs pertaining to the data components that are applicable to the request.

The DetailLevelCodeType defines the global list of available detail levels for all request types. Most request types support certain detail levels or none at all. If you pass a detail level that exists in the schema but that isn't valid for a particular request, eBay ignores it and processes the request without it.

For each request type, see the detail level tables in the Input/Output Reference to determine which detail levels are applicable and which elements are returned for each applicable detail level.

Note that DetailLevel is required input for GetMyMessages.

With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets, please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use GetSellerList, use GranularityLevel instead, or use GetSellerEvents. If you do use 'ReturnAll' with GetSellerList, use a small Pagination.EntriesPerPage value and a narrow EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo date range for better performance.

Applicable values:

(in) Returns all available data. With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets, please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use GetSellerList, use a GranularityLevel or use the GetSellerEvents call instead. If you use ReturnAll with GetSellerList, use a small EntriesPerPage value and a short EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo range for better performance.
(in) Returns the summary data. For GetMyMessages, this detail level returns the same data whether or not you include MessageIDs in the request. Returns up to 10 FolderID and FolderName values. Currently, this detail level is the only way to retrieve FolderID and FolderName values. See GetMyMessages for a code sample that demonstrates this.

(Not all values in DetailLevelCodeType apply to this field.)
ErrorLanguage string Optional Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user is registered with. Below are some examples from different countries.

ID Country
en_AU Australia
de_AT Austria
nl_BE Belgium (Dutch)
fr_BE Belgium (French)
en_CA Canada
fr_CA Canada (French)
zh_CN China
fr_FR France
de_DE Germany
zh_HK Hong Kong
en_IN India
en_IE Ireland
it_IT Italy
nl_NL Netherlands
en_SG Singapore
es_ES Spain
de_CH Switzerland
en_GB United Kingdom
en_US United States
MessageID string Optional Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
OutputSelector string Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
You can use the OutputSelector field to restrict the data returned by a call. This field can make the call response easier to manage, especially when a large payload is returned. If you use the OutputSelector field, the output data will only include the field(s) you specified in the request, as well as all of its child fields (if a field is a container) and its parent fields (if any). Note that it is possible that a field included through an OutputSelector field may still not be returned if it is not applicable, or if it is not found based on other criteria set up in the request payload.

For example, if you are using GetItem and you only want to retrieve the URL of the View Item page (emitted in ViewItemURL field) and the item's Buy It Now price (emitted in BuyItNowPrice field), you would include two separate OutputSelector fields and set the value for each one as ViewItemURL and BuyItNowPrice as in the following example:

 If the following output selectors are used: 



...the response might look like the following

<BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">0.0</BuyItNowPrice>

See OutputSelector.

Version string Conditional The version number of the API code that you are programming against (e.g., 1149). The version you specify for a call has these basic effects:
  • It indicates the version of the code lists and other data that eBay should use to process your request.
  • It indicates the schema version you are using.
You need to use a version that is greater than or equal to the lowest supported version.
For the SOAP API: If you are using the SOAP API, this field is required. Specify the version of the WSDL your application is using.

For the XML API: If you are using the XML API, this field has no effect. Instead, specify the version in the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header. (If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.)

    HTTP headers
    eBay Schema Versioning Strategy
    Lowest Supported Version

WarningLevel WarningLevelCodeType Optional Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in a request.

An unrecognized element is one that is not defined in any supported version of the schema. Schema element names are case-sensitive, so using WarningLevel can also help you remove any potential hidden bugs within your application due to incorrect case or spelling in field names before you put your application into the Production environment.

WarningLevel only validates elements; it doesn't validate XML attributes. It also doesn't control warnings related to user-entered strings or numbers, or warnings for logical errors.

We recommend that you only use this during development and debugging. Do not use this in requests performed in the Production environment.

Applicable values:

(in) The WarningLevel value is set to High if the user wishes to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. Setting the WarningLevel value to High is not recommended in a production environment. Instead, it should only be used during the development/debugging stage.
(in) The WarningLevel value is set to Low if the user does not wish to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. This is the default value if WarningLevel is not specified in the call request.

See Warning Level.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that might be returned in the response. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are not returned (or soon will not be returned) or are not operational (or soon will be non-operational).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMyeBayBuyingResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Output Fields -->
  <BestOfferList> PaginatedItemArrayType
    <ItemArray> ItemArrayType
      <Item> ItemType
        <BestOfferDetails> BestOfferDetailsType
          <BestOffer currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BestOffer>
          <BestOfferStatus> BestOfferStatusCodeType </BestOfferStatus>
        <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice>
        <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
        <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
        <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
          <ConvertedBuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedBuyItNowPrice>
          <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
        <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
          <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
        <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
        <Seller> UserType
          <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
          <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
          <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
          <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
        <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
          <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
          <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
          <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
            <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
            <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
            <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
            <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
            <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
            <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
            <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
            <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
            <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
            <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
          <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
        <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
        <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
        <TimeLeft> duration </TimeLeft>
        <Title> string </Title>
      <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <BidList> PaginatedItemArrayType
    <ItemArray> ItemArrayType
      <Item> ItemType
        <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
          <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
          <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
          <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
          <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
          <Winning> boolean </Winning>
        <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice>
        <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
        <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
        <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
          <ConvertedBuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedBuyItNowPrice>
          <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
          <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
          <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
        <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
        <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
          <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
        <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
        <Seller> UserType
          <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
          <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
          <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
          <BidCount> int </BidCount>
          <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
          <HighBidder> UserType
            <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
            <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
            <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
          <ReserveMet> boolean </ReserveMet>
        <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
          <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
          <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
          <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
            <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
            <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
            <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
            <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
            <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
            <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
            <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
            <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
            <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
            <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
          <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
        <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
        <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
        <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
        <TimeLeft> duration </TimeLeft>
        <Title> string </Title>
      <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <BuyingSummary> BuyingSummaryType
    <BestOfferCount> int </BestOfferCount>
    <BiddingCount> int </BiddingCount>
    <TotalWinningCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalWinningCost>
    <TotalWonCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalWonCost>
    <WinningCount> int </WinningCount>
    <WonCount> int </WonCount>
    <WonDurationInDays> int </WonDurationInDays>
  <DeletedFromLostList> PaginatedItemArrayType
    <ItemArray> ItemArrayType
      <Item> ItemType
        <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
          <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
          <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
          <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
          <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
        <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
        <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
        <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
          <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
          <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
          <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
        <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
        <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
          <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
        <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
        <Seller> UserType
          <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
          <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
          <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
          <BidCount> int </BidCount>
          <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
          <HighBidder> UserType
            <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
            <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
            <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
          <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
        <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
        <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
        <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
        <Title> string </Title>
        <Variations> VariationsType
          <Variation> VariationType
            <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
              <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                <Name> string </Name>
                <Value> string </Value>
                <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
              <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
            <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
          <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
      <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <DeletedFromWonList> PaginatedOrderTransactionArrayType
    <OrderTransactionArray> OrderTransactionArrayType
      <OrderTransaction> OrderTransactionType
        <Order> OrderType
          <BuyerPackageEnclosures> BuyerPackageEnclosuresType
            <BuyerPackageEnclosure type="PaymentInstructionCodeType"> BuyerPackageEnclosureType (string) </BuyerPackageEnclosure>
            <!-- ... more BuyerPackageEnclosure values allowed here ... -->
          <OrderID> OrderIDType (string) </OrderID>
          <PickupDetails> PickupDetailsType
            <PickupOptions> PickupOptionsType
              <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
              <PickupPriority> int </PickupPriority>
            <!-- ... more PickupOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <PickupMethodSelected> PickupMethodSelectedType
            <MerchantPickupCode> string </MerchantPickupCode>
            <PickupLocationUUID> string </PickupLocationUUID>
            <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
            <PickupStatus> PickupStatusCodeType </PickupStatus>
            <PickupStoreID> string </PickupStoreID>
          <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
            <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
            <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
            <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
              <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
              <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
              <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
              <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
              <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
              <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
              <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
              <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
              <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
              <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
            <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
            <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
          <Subtotal currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Subtotal>
          <TransactionArray> TransactionArrayType
            <Transaction> TransactionType
              <BuyerPaidStatus> PaidStatusCodeType </BuyerPaidStatus>
              <CreatedDate> dateTime </CreatedDate>
              <FeedbackLeft> FeedbackInfoType
                <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
              <FeedbackReceived> FeedbackInfoType
                <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
              <Item> ItemType
                <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
                  <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
                  <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
                  <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
                  <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
                <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
                <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
                <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
                  <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
                  <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
                  <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
                <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
                <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
                  <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
                <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
                <Seller> UserType
                  <Email> string </Email>
                  <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
                <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
                  <BidCount> int </BidCount>
                  <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
                  <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
                <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
                  <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
                  <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
                  <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
                    <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
                    <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
                    <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
                    <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
                    <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
                    <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
                    <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
                    <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
                    <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
                    <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
                  <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
                  <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
                <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
                <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
                <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
                <Title> string </Title>
                <Variations> VariationsType
                  <Variation> VariationType
                    <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
                      <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                        <Name> string </Name>
                        <Value> string </Value>
                        <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
                      <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
                    <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
                  <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
              <OrderLineItemID> string </OrderLineItemID>
              <PaidTime> dateTime </PaidTime>
              <PickupDetails> PickupDetailsType
                <PickupOptions> PickupOptionsType
                  <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
                  <PickupPriority> int </PickupPriority>
                <!-- ... more PickupOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
              <PickupMethodSelected> PickupMethodSelectedType
                <MerchantPickupCode> string </MerchantPickupCode>
                <PickupLocationUUID> string </PickupLocationUUID>
                <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
                <PickupStatus> PickupStatusCodeType </PickupStatus>
                <PickupStoreID> string </PickupStoreID>
              <Platform> TransactionPlatformCodeType </Platform>
              <QuantityPurchased> int </QuantityPurchased>
              <ShippedTime> dateTime </ShippedTime>
              <Status> TransactionStatusType
                <CancelStatus> CancelStatusCodeType </CancelStatus>
                <PaymentHoldStatus> PaymentHoldStatusCodeType </PaymentHoldStatus>
              <TotalPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalPrice>
              <TotalTransactionPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalTransactionPrice>
              <TransactionID> string </TransactionID>
            <!-- ... more Transaction nodes allowed here ... -->
        <Transaction> TransactionType
          <BuyerPaidStatus> PaidStatusCodeType </BuyerPaidStatus>
          <CreatedDate> dateTime </CreatedDate>
          <FeedbackLeft> FeedbackInfoType
            <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
          <FeedbackReceived> FeedbackInfoType
            <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
          <Item> ItemType
            <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
              <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
              <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
              <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
              <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
            <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
            <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
            <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
              <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
              <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
              <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
            <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
            <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
              <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
            <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
            <Seller> UserType
              <Email> string </Email>
              <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
            <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
              <BidCount> int </BidCount>
              <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
              <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
            <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
              <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
              <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
              <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
                <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
                <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
                <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
                <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
                <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
                <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
                <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
                <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
                <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
                <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
              <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
              <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
            <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
            <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
            <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
            <Title> string </Title>
            <Variations> VariationsType
              <Variation> VariationType
                <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
                  <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                    <Name> string </Name>
                    <Value> string </Value>
                    <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
                  <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
                <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
              <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
          <OrderLineItemID> string </OrderLineItemID>
          <PaidTime> dateTime </PaidTime>
          <PickupDetails> PickupDetailsType
            <PickupOptions> PickupOptionsType
              <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
              <PickupPriority> int </PickupPriority>
            <!-- ... more PickupOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <PickupMethodSelected> PickupMethodSelectedType
            <MerchantPickupCode> string </MerchantPickupCode>
            <PickupLocationUUID> string </PickupLocationUUID>
            <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
            <PickupStatus> PickupStatusCodeType </PickupStatus>
            <PickupStoreID> string </PickupStoreID>
          <Platform> TransactionPlatformCodeType </Platform>
          <QuantityPurchased> int </QuantityPurchased>
          <ShippedTime> dateTime </ShippedTime>
          <Status> TransactionStatusType
            <CancelStatus> CancelStatusCodeType </CancelStatus>
            <PaymentHoldStatus> PaymentHoldStatusCodeType </PaymentHoldStatus>
          <TotalPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalPrice>
          <TotalTransactionPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalTransactionPrice>
          <TransactionID> string </TransactionID>
      <!-- ... more OrderTransaction nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <FavoriteSearches> MyeBayFavoriteSearchListType
    <FavoriteSearch> MyeBayFavoriteSearchType
      <BidCountMax> int </BidCountMax>
      <BidCountMin> int </BidCountMin>
      <CategoryID> string </CategoryID>
      <Condition> ItemConditionCodeType </Condition>
      <Currency> CurrencyCodeType </Currency>
      <EndTimeFrom> dateTime </EndTimeFrom>
      <EndTimeTo> dateTime </EndTimeTo>
      <ItemsAvailableTo> CountryCodeType </ItemsAvailableTo>
      <ItemsLocatedIn> CountryCodeType </ItemsLocatedIn>
      <ItemSort> SimpleItemSortCodeType </ItemSort>
      <ItemType> ItemTypeCodeType </ItemType>
      <MaxDistance> int </MaxDistance>
      <PostalCode> string </PostalCode>
      <PreferredLocation> PreferredLocationCodeType </PreferredLocation>
      <PriceMax currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </PriceMax>
      <PriceMin currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </PriceMin>
      <Quantity> int </Quantity>
      <QuantityOperator> QuantityOperatorCodeType </QuantityOperator>
      <QueryKeywords> string </QueryKeywords>
      <SearchFlag> SearchFlagCodeType </SearchFlag>
      <!-- ... more SearchFlag values allowed here ... -->
      <SearchName> string </SearchName>
      <SearchQuery> string </SearchQuery>
      <SellerBusinessType> SellerBusinessCodeType </SellerBusinessType>
      <SellerID> string </SellerID>
      <!-- ... more SellerID values allowed here ... -->
      <SellerIDExclude> string </SellerIDExclude>
      <!-- ... more SellerIDExclude values allowed here ... -->
      <SortOrder> SortOrderCodeType </SortOrder>
    <!-- ... more FavoriteSearch nodes allowed here ... -->
    <TotalAvailable> int </TotalAvailable>
  <FavoriteSellers> MyeBayFavoriteSellerListType
    <FavoriteSeller> MyeBayFavoriteSellerType
      <StoreName> string </StoreName>
      <UserID> string </UserID>
    <!-- ... more FavoriteSeller nodes allowed here ... -->
    <TotalAvailable> int </TotalAvailable>
  <LostList> PaginatedItemArrayType
    <ItemArray> ItemArrayType
      <Item> ItemType
        <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
          <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
          <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
          <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
          <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
        <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
        <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
        <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
          <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
          <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
          <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
        <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
        <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
          <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
        <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
        <Seller> UserType
          <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
          <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
          <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
          <BidCount> int </BidCount>
          <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
          <HighBidder> UserType
            <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
            <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
            <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
        <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
        <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
        <Title> string </Title>
        <Variations> VariationsType
          <Variation> VariationType
            <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
              <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                <Name> string </Name>
                <Value> string </Value>
                <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
              <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
            <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
          <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
      <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <SecondChanceOffer> ItemType
    <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
    <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
    <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
      <ConvertedBuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedBuyItNowPrice>
      <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
    <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
      <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
    <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
    <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
    <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
    <TimeLeft> duration </TimeLeft>
    <Title> string </Title>
  <!-- ... more SecondChanceOffer nodes allowed here ... -->
  <UserDefinedList> UserDefinedListType
    <FavoriteSearches> MyeBayFavoriteSearchListType
      <FavoriteSearch> MyeBayFavoriteSearchType
        <BidCountMax> int </BidCountMax>
        <BidCountMin> int </BidCountMin>
        <CategoryID> string </CategoryID>
        <Condition> ItemConditionCodeType </Condition>
        <Currency> CurrencyCodeType </Currency>
        <EndTimeFrom> dateTime </EndTimeFrom>
        <EndTimeTo> dateTime </EndTimeTo>
        <ItemsAvailableTo> CountryCodeType </ItemsAvailableTo>
        <ItemsLocatedIn> CountryCodeType </ItemsLocatedIn>
        <ItemSort> SimpleItemSortCodeType </ItemSort>
        <ItemType> ItemTypeCodeType </ItemType>
        <MaxDistance> int </MaxDistance>
        <PostalCode> string </PostalCode>
        <PreferredLocation> PreferredLocationCodeType </PreferredLocation>
        <PriceMax currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </PriceMax>
        <PriceMin currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </PriceMin>
        <Quantity> int </Quantity>
        <QuantityOperator> QuantityOperatorCodeType </QuantityOperator>
        <QueryKeywords> string </QueryKeywords>
        <SearchFlag> SearchFlagCodeType </SearchFlag>
        <!-- ... more SearchFlag values allowed here ... -->
        <SearchName> string </SearchName>
        <SearchQuery> string </SearchQuery>
        <SellerBusinessType> SellerBusinessCodeType </SellerBusinessType>
        <SellerID> string </SellerID>
        <!-- ... more SellerID values allowed here ... -->
        <SellerIDExclude> string </SellerIDExclude>
        <!-- ... more SellerIDExclude values allowed here ... -->
        <SortOrder> SortOrderCodeType </SortOrder>
      <!-- ... more FavoriteSearch nodes allowed here ... -->
      <TotalAvailable> int </TotalAvailable>
    <FavoriteSellerCount> int </FavoriteSellerCount>
    <FavoriteSellers> MyeBayFavoriteSellerListType
      <FavoriteSeller> MyeBayFavoriteSellerType
        <StoreName> string </StoreName>
        <UserID> string </UserID>
      <!-- ... more FavoriteSeller nodes allowed here ... -->
      <TotalAvailable> int </TotalAvailable>
    <ItemArray> ItemArrayType
      <Item> ItemType
        <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
        <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
      <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
    <ItemCount> int </ItemCount>
    <Name> string </Name>
  <!-- ... more UserDefinedList nodes allowed here ... -->
  <WatchList> PaginatedItemArrayType
    <ItemArray> ItemArrayType
      <Item> ItemType
        <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice>
        <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
        <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
        <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
          <ConvertedBuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedBuyItNowPrice>
          <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
          <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
          <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
          <ViewItemURL> anyURI </ViewItemURL>
        <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
        <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
          <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
        <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
        <QuantityAvailable> int </QuantityAvailable>
        <Seller> UserType
          <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
          <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
          <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
        <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
          <BidCount> int </BidCount>
          <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
          <HighBidder> UserType
            <FeedbackRatingStar> FeedbackRatingStarCodeType </FeedbackRatingStar>
            <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
            <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
          <PromotionalSaleDetails> PromotionalSaleDetailsType
            <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
            <OriginalPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </OriginalPrice>
            <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
        <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
          <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
          <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
          <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
            <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
            <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
            <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
            <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
            <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
            <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
            <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
            <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
            <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
            <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
          <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
        <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
        <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
        <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
        <TimeLeft> duration </TimeLeft>
        <Title> string </Title>
        <Variations> VariationsType
          <Variation> VariationType
            <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
              <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                <Name> string </Name>
                <Value> string </Value>
                <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
              <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
            <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
          <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
      <!-- ... more Item nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <WonList> PaginatedOrderTransactionArrayType
    <OrderTransactionArray> OrderTransactionArrayType
      <OrderTransaction> OrderTransactionType
        <Order> OrderType
          <BuyerPackageEnclosures> BuyerPackageEnclosuresType
            <BuyerPackageEnclosure type="PaymentInstructionCodeType"> BuyerPackageEnclosureType (string) </BuyerPackageEnclosure>
            <!-- ... more BuyerPackageEnclosure values allowed here ... -->
          <OrderID> OrderIDType (string) </OrderID>
          <PickupDetails> PickupDetailsType
            <PickupOptions> PickupOptionsType
              <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
              <PickupPriority> int </PickupPriority>
            <!-- ... more PickupOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <PickupMethodSelected> PickupMethodSelectedType
            <MerchantPickupCode> string </MerchantPickupCode>
            <PickupLocationUUID> string </PickupLocationUUID>
            <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
            <PickupStatus> PickupStatusCodeType </PickupStatus>
            <PickupStoreID> string </PickupStoreID>
          <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
            <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
            <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
            <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
              <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
              <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
              <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
              <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
              <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
              <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
              <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
              <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
              <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
              <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
            <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
            <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
          <Subtotal currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Subtotal>
          <TransactionArray> TransactionArrayType
            <Transaction> TransactionType
              <BuyerPaidStatus> PaidStatusCodeType </BuyerPaidStatus>
              <CreatedDate> dateTime </CreatedDate>
              <FeedbackLeft> FeedbackInfoType
                <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
              <FeedbackReceived> FeedbackInfoType
                <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
              <Item> ItemType
                <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
                  <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
                  <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
                  <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
                  <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
                <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
                <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
                <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
                  <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
                  <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
                  <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
                <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
                <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
                  <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
                <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
                <Seller> UserType
                  <Email> string </Email>
                  <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
                <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
                  <BidCount> int </BidCount>
                  <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
                  <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
                <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
                  <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
                  <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
                  <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
                    <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
                    <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
                    <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
                    <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
                    <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
                    <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
                    <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
                    <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
                    <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
                    <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
                  <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
                  <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
                <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
                <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
                <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
                <Title> string </Title>
                <Variations> VariationsType
                  <Variation> VariationType
                    <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
                      <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                        <Name> string </Name>
                        <Value> string </Value>
                        <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
                      <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
                    <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
                  <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
              <OrderLineItemID> string </OrderLineItemID>
              <PaidTime> dateTime </PaidTime>
              <PickupDetails> PickupDetailsType
                <PickupOptions> PickupOptionsType
                  <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
                  <PickupPriority> int </PickupPriority>
                <!-- ... more PickupOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
              <PickupMethodSelected> PickupMethodSelectedType
                <MerchantPickupCode> string </MerchantPickupCode>
                <PickupLocationUUID> string </PickupLocationUUID>
                <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
                <PickupStatus> PickupStatusCodeType </PickupStatus>
                <PickupStoreID> string </PickupStoreID>
              <Platform> TransactionPlatformCodeType </Platform>
              <QuantityPurchased> int </QuantityPurchased>
              <ShippedTime> dateTime </ShippedTime>
              <Status> TransactionStatusType
                <CancelStatus> CancelStatusCodeType </CancelStatus>
                <PaymentHoldStatus> PaymentHoldStatusCodeType </PaymentHoldStatus>
              <TotalPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalPrice>
              <TotalTransactionPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalTransactionPrice>
              <TransactionID> string </TransactionID>
            <!-- ... more Transaction nodes allowed here ... -->
        <Transaction> TransactionType
          <BuyerPaidStatus> PaidStatusCodeType </BuyerPaidStatus>
          <CreatedDate> dateTime </CreatedDate>
          <FeedbackLeft> FeedbackInfoType
            <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
          <FeedbackReceived> FeedbackInfoType
            <CommentType> CommentTypeCodeType </CommentType>
          <Item> ItemType
            <BiddingDetails> BiddingDetailsType
              <ConvertedMaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedMaxBid>
              <MaxBid currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxBid>
              <QuantityBid> int </QuantityBid>
              <QuantityWon> int </QuantityWon>
            <eBayNotes> string </eBayNotes>
            <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
            <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
              <ConvertedStartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedStartPrice>
              <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
              <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime>
            <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
            <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType
              <GalleryURL> anyURI </GalleryURL>
            <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes>
            <Seller> UserType
              <Email> string </Email>
              <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
            <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType
              <BidCount> int </BidCount>
              <ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ConvertedCurrentPrice>
              <CurrentPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </CurrentPrice>
            <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType
              <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType </InternationalShippingServiceOption>
              <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... -->
              <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType
                <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
                <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping>
                <ImportCharge currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ImportCharge>
                <LocalPickup> boolean </LocalPickup>
                <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
                <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
                <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost>
                <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority>
                <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
                <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
              <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
              <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType>
            <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
            <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
            <SubTitle> string </SubTitle>
            <Title> string </Title>
            <Variations> VariationsType
              <Variation> VariationType
                <VariationSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType
                  <NameValueList> NameValueListType
                    <Name> string </Name>
                    <Value> string </Value>
                    <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... -->
                  <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... -->
                <!-- ... more VariationSpecifics nodes allowed here ... -->
              <!-- ... more Variation nodes allowed here ... -->
          <OrderLineItemID> string </OrderLineItemID>
          <PaidTime> dateTime </PaidTime>
          <PickupDetails> PickupDetailsType
            <PickupOptions> PickupOptionsType
              <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
              <PickupPriority> int </PickupPriority>
            <!-- ... more PickupOptions nodes allowed here ... -->
          <PickupMethodSelected> PickupMethodSelectedType
            <MerchantPickupCode> string </MerchantPickupCode>
            <PickupLocationUUID> string </PickupLocationUUID>
            <PickupMethod> token </PickupMethod>
            <PickupStatus> PickupStatusCodeType </PickupStatus>
            <PickupStoreID> string </PickupStoreID>
          <Platform> TransactionPlatformCodeType </Platform>
          <QuantityPurchased> int </QuantityPurchased>
          <ShippedTime> dateTime </ShippedTime>
          <Status> TransactionStatusType
            <CancelStatus> CancelStatusCodeType </CancelStatus>
            <PaymentHoldStatus> PaymentHoldStatusCodeType </PaymentHoldStatus>
          <TotalPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalPrice>
          <TotalTransactionPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </TotalTransactionPrice>
          <TransactionID> string </TransactionID>
      <!-- ... more OrderTransaction nodes allowed here ... -->
    <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
      <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
      <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <!-- Standard Output Fields -->
  <Ack> AckCodeType </Ack>
  <Build> string </Build>
  <CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID>
  <Errors> ErrorType
    <ErrorClassification> ErrorClassificationCodeType </ErrorClassification>
    <ErrorCode> token </ErrorCode>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="string"> ErrorParameterType
      <Value> string </Value>
    <!-- ... more ErrorParameters nodes allowed here ... -->
    <LongMessage> string </LongMessage>
    <SeverityCode> SeverityCodeType </SeverityCode>
    <ShortMessage> string </ShortMessage>
  <!-- ... more Errors nodes allowed here ... -->
  <HardExpirationWarning> string </HardExpirationWarning>
  <Timestamp> dateTime </Timestamp>
  <Version> string </Version>
Return Value Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Output Fields [Jump to standard fields]
BestOfferList PaginatedItemArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the items on which the eBay user has made Best Offers. This container will be returned if the eBay user has made one or more Best Offers.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if user has made Best Offers) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the BestOfferList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
BestOfferList.ItemArray ItemArrayType Conditionally An array of one or more items returned under one or more containers in a GetMyeBayBuying or GetMyeBaySelling call response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferList.ItemArray.Item ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains the data properties that define one item listing. GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList only return items if any are available for the seller within the time window specified in the request.

Some optional fields are only returned if the seller defined them for the item. Some fields are only returned under particular conditions specified in the individual field descriptions. For example, a buyer's contact information might only be returned if the member who is making the request (as identified in the eBayAuthToken) has an order relationship with that buyer.

For calls that support detail levels, the set of fields returned is also controlled by the value of DetailLevel in the request. For some calls, other parameters in the request can also control the data returned for each item. For example, GranularityLevel controls the fields to return for each item in the GetSellerList response.
Note: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferDetailsType Conditionally For Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls: This container is used to enable the Best Offer feature on a listing. Note that the Best Offer feature can be set for auction listings on the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, and Spain marketplaces, but a seller can only use Best Offer or Buy It Now, but not both. Once an auction listing receives a qualifying bid, the Best Offer feature will be turned off and any pending Best Offers or Counteroffers will no longer be valid.

For GetItem and other calls that retrieve item data, this container will include the status (GetMyeBayBuying only) and dollar amount of the latest Best Offer on a fixed-price listing, and the number of Best Offers received for the fixed-price listing.

Note: Best Offer is not available for multi-variation listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This is the amount of the buyer's current Best Offer. This field will not appear in the GetMyeBayBuying response if the buyer has not made a Best Offer. This field is also not applicable to the Add/Revise/Relist calls.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This is the amount of the buyer's current Best Offer. This field will not appear in the GetMyeBayBuying response if the buyer has not made a Best Offer. This field is also not applicable to the Add/Revise/Relist calls.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
BestOfferStatusCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the status of the latest Best Offer from the buyer. This field is only applicable to the GetMyeBayBuying call, and will not appear in the response if the buyer has not made a Best Offer.

Applicable values: See BestOfferStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

duration Conditionally Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferList.PaginationResult PaginationResultType Conditionally This container shows the total numer of items that matched the input criteria and the total number of the results set. Users can use the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request to toggle through different pages in the results set.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BidList PaginatedItemArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the auction items on which the eBay user has bid. This container will be returned if the eBay user has bid on one or more auction items.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if there are items on the Bid List) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the BidList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
BidList.ItemArray ItemArrayType Conditionally An array of one or more items returned under one or more containers in a GetMyeBayBuying or GetMyeBaySelling call response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BidList.ItemArray.Item ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains the data properties that define one item listing. GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList only return items if any are available for the seller within the time window specified in the request.

Some optional fields are only returned if the seller defined them for the item. Some fields are only returned under particular conditions specified in the individual field descriptions. For example, a buyer's contact information might only be returned if the member who is making the request (as identified in the eBayAuthToken) has an order relationship with that buyer.

For calls that support detail levels, the set of fields returned is also controlled by the value of DetailLevel in the request. For some calls, other parameters in the request can also control the data returned for each item. For example, GranularityLevel controls the fields to return for each item in the GetSellerList response.
Note: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the prospective buyer is the current high bidder in an active listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BidList.ItemArray.Item.ItemID ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
UserType Conditionally For ended auction listings that have a winning bidder, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. For ended, single-item, fixed-price listings, this field is a container for the user ID of the purchaser. This field isn't returned for auctions with no bids, or for active fixed-price listings.

In the case of PlaceOffer, for auction listings, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. In the PlaceOffer response, the following applies: For multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings, the high bidder is only returned if there is just one order line item (or only for the first order line item that is created).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
BidList.ItemArray.Item.Site SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

duration Conditionally Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BidList.ItemArray.Item.Title string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BidList.PaginationResult PaginationResultType Conditionally This container shows the total numer of items that matched the input criteria and the total number of the results set. Users can use the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request to toggle through different pages in the results set.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyingSummary BuyingSummaryType Conditionally This container consists of buying/bidding activity counts and values. For this container to be returned, the user must include the BuyingSummary.Include field in the request and set its value to true.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
BuyingSummary.BestOfferCount int Conditionally The number of items the user has made Best Offers on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyingSummary.BiddingCount int Conditionally The number of auction items the user has bid on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyingSummary.TotalWinningCost AmountType (double) Conditionally The total cost of items that the user is currently the highest bidder on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The total cost of items that the user is currently the highest bidder on.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
BuyingSummary.TotalWonCost AmountType (double) Conditionally The total cost of auction items that the user has won.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The total cost of auction items that the user has won.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
BuyingSummary.WinningCount int Conditionally The number of active auction listings in which the user is currently the highest bidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyingSummary.WonCount int Conditionally The number of auction items that the user has won.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The time period for which won items are displayed. Default is 31 days.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
DeletedFromLostList PaginatedItemArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the auction items on which the eBay user has lost and then deleted from their My eBay page. This container will be returned if the eBay user has lost one or more auction items and then deleted those items from My eBay.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if they have lost and then deleted one or more items) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the DeletedFromLostList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DeletedFromLostList.ItemArray ItemArrayType Conditionally An array of one or more items returned under one or more containers in a GetMyeBayBuying or GetMyeBaySelling call response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains the data properties that define one item listing. GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList only return items if any are available for the seller within the time window specified in the request.

Some optional fields are only returned if the seller defined them for the item. Some fields are only returned under particular conditions specified in the individual field descriptions. For example, a buyer's contact information might only be returned if the member who is making the request (as identified in the eBayAuthToken) has an order relationship with that buyer.

For calls that support detail levels, the set of fields returned is also controlled by the value of DetailLevel in the request. For some calls, other parameters in the request can also control the data returned for each item. For example, GranularityLevel controls the fields to return for each item in the GetSellerList response.
Note: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
UserType Conditionally For ended auction listings that have a winning bidder, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. For ended, single-item, fixed-price listings, this field is a container for the user ID of the purchaser. This field isn't returned for auctions with no bids, or for active fixed-price listings.

In the case of PlaceOffer, for auction listings, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. In the PlaceOffer response, the following applies: For multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings, the high bidder is only returned if there is just one order line item (or only for the first order line item that is created).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaginationResultType Conditionally This container shows the total numer of items that matched the input criteria and the total number of the results set. Users can use the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request to toggle through different pages in the results set.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
DeletedFromWonList PaginatedOrderTransactionArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the auction items on which the eBay user has won but deleted from their My eBay page. This container will be returned if the eBay user has won one or more auction items but have deleted these items from My eBay.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if they have won and then deleted one or more items) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the DeletedFromWonList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
OrderTransactionArrayType Conditionally Contains the list of orders.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
OrderTransactionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container consists of detailed information on a specific order and each order line item in that order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
OrderType Conditionally Contains the information describing an order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyerPackageEnclosuresType Conditionally
This container is returned in GetOrders (and other order management calls) if the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is being offered to the buyer, and the seller is including payment instructions in the shipping package(s) for the order. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the Germany site.
Note: The ContainingOrder.BuyerPackageEnclosures container will stop being returned by GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyerPackageEnclosureType (string) Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A BuyerPackageEnclosure container will be returned for each shipping package containing payment instructions. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the German site.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute type ]
PaymentInstructionCodeType Conditionally A BuyerPackageEnclosure container will be returned for each shipping package containing payment instructions. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the German site.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see PaymentInstructionCodeType.
OrderIDType (string) Conditionally A unique identifier for an eBay order. This identifier is globally unique across all eBay marketplaces, and consistent for both single line item and multiple line item orders. Note that the order ID will change for a 'non-immediate payment' order as it goes from an unpaid order to a paid order.

Note: The value in the OrderID and ExtendedOrderID fields should always be the same. The ExtendedOrderID field was added back in 2019 during a transition period where the Trading API was supporting both old and new order ID formats, and which order ID format that was returned was dependent on the compatibility level version used.
Max length: 40.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

For GetOrders, this container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Container consisting of a pickup method and the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. In-Store Pickup is only applicable to the US site, and Click and Collect is only applicable to the UK, Germany, and Australia sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates an available pickup method. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: At this time, 'InStorePickup' and 'PickUpDropOff' are the only available pickup methods; however, additional pickup methods may be added to the list in future releases.
Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupMethodSelectedType Conditionally Container consisting of details related to the selected pickup method, including the pickup method type, the merchant's store ID, the status of the pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).

This container is only returned when the buyer has selected the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect option and has paid for the order. All fields in the PickupMethodSelected container are static, except for the PickupStatus field, which can change states based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique reference number defined by the merchant to track In-Store Pickup orders. The MerchantPickupCode is picked up by eBay if it is set by the merchant through the payload of a notification sent to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is only returned with the PickupMethodSelected container if it set by the merchant.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real reference number is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up. This field will only be returned if supplied by the merchant.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates the local pickup method that was selected by the buyer at checkout. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: Merchants must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or "Click and Collect" feature to list items that are eligible for these local pickup methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
PickupStatusCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the current status of the local pickup order. The value of the PickupStatus field can change during the lifecycle of the order based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, these features are generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

Applicable values: See PickupStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. The PickupStoreID is picked up by eBay based on the LocationID value that is set by the merchant in the Inventory Management API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of order-level shipping details. More shipping-related details can be found at the line item level for each line item in the order.

In an AddOrder call, the seller can use the ShippingDetails container to make adjustments to shipping details, including the available shipping service options and shipping cost. Sometimes, sellers will reduce the cost of shipping if one or more order line items can be shipped together in the same package.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cumulative item cost for all line items in the order. This value does not take into account any shipping/handling costs, sales tax costs, or any discounts. For a single line item order, the amount in this field should be the same as the amount in the Transaction.TransactionPrice field. For a multiple line item order, the amount in this field should equal the cumulative amount of each Transaction.TransactionPrice fields for each order line item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cumulative item cost for all line items in the order. This value does not take into account any shipping/handling costs, sales tax costs, or any discounts. For a single line item order, the amount in this field should be the same as the amount in the Transaction.TransactionPrice field. For a multiple line item order, the amount in this field should equal the cumulative amount of each Transaction.TransactionPrice fields for each order line item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
TransactionArrayType Conditionally Container consisting of one or more line items that comprise an order. The data for each order line item in the order is stored in a separate Transaction container.

Under the TransactionArray container in an AddOrder call, a seller or buyer specifies two or more (up to 40) order line items into a 'Combined Invoice' order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Combined Invoice.

TransactionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A Transaction container is returned for each line item in the order. This container consists of detailed information on one order line item.

For the AddOrder call, a Transaction container is used to identified the unpaid order line items that are being combined into one Combined Invoice order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaidStatusCodeType Conditionally Specifies the paid status of the order.

Applicable values: See BuyerPaidStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback left by the caller for their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been left by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback received by the caller from their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been received by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemType Conditionally This container consists of relevant details about the listing associated with the sales transaction. Which listing fields are returned under this container will depend on the listing, the eBay marketplace, and the API call.

In an AddOrder call, only the unique identifier of the listing (ItemID) is needed to help identify the sales transaction to combine into a 'Combined Invoice' order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site.

An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address.

Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.
Max length: 64 for US. May differ for other countries. Note: The eBay database allocates up to 128 characters for this field .

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Anonymous user information
    Member communications

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Always A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This identifier is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, or the buyer actually purchases the item using a 'Buy it Now' option.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, order line item ID is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the buyer paid for the order and/or order was marked as 'Paid' by the seller. This field is returned once payment has been made by the buyer.

This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Paid' in the following ways:
  • Automatically when a payment is made through eBay's system
  • Seller marks the item as paid in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro
  • Programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Container consisting of a pickup method and the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. In-Store Pickup is only applicable to the US site, and Click and Collect is only applicable to the UK, Germany, and Australia sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates an available pickup method. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: At this time, 'InStorePickup' and 'PickUpDropOff' are the only available pickup methods; however, additional pickup methods may be added to the list in future releases.
Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupMethodSelectedType Conditionally This container consists of details related to the selected In-Store pickup method, including the pickup method, the merchant's store ID, the status of the In-Store pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique reference number defined by the merchant to track In-Store Pickup orders. The MerchantPickupCode is picked up by eBay if it is set by the merchant through the payload of a notification sent to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is only returned with the PickupMethodSelected container if it set by the merchant.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real reference number is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up. This field will only be returned if supplied by the merchant.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates the local pickup method that was selected by the buyer at checkout. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: Merchants must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or "Click and Collect" feature to list items that are eligible for these local pickup methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
PickupStatusCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the current status of the local pickup order. The value of the PickupStatus field can change during the lifecycle of the order based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, these features are generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

Applicable values: See PickupStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. The PickupStoreID is picked up by eBay based on the LocationID value that is set by the merchant in the Inventory Management API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionPlatformCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the site on which the sales transaction originated.

Note: Currently, the only value that should be returned in this field is eBay, as the Half.com marketplace no longer exists.

Applicable values:

(out) This value indicates the purchase occurred on an eBay marketplace site.

(Not all values in TransactionPlatformCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This value indicates the quantity of the line item purchased at the same time by the same buyer from one listing. For auction listings, this value is always '1'. For fixed-price, non-variation listings, this value can be greater than 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the line item was marked as 'Shipped'. This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Shipped' by purchasing an eBay shipping label, providing shipment tracking in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro, or programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

Note: This field does not appear in the Sell Feed API's LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses, because once shipment tracking information is provided to the buyer, the order/order line item is considered acknowledged, and acknowledged orders do not show up in the LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionStatusType Conditionally Container consisting of checkout/payment status details for an order line item. Several of these fields change values during the checkout flow.

For GetOrders, only a limited number of applicable fields are returned at the order line item level. The fields indicating the status of the order are actually found in the OrderArray.Order.CheckoutStatus container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CancelStatusCodeType Conditionally The current status for the order cancellation request if it exists. This field is only returned if a cancellation request has been made on an order, or if the order is currently going through the cancellation process, or if the order has already been cancelled.

Applicable values: See CancelStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaymentHoldStatusCodeType Always This field indicates the type and/or status of a payment hold on the item. If there is no hold against the item, this field is returned with a value of NotApplicable.
Note: For the GetItemTransactions and GetOrders, calls, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.

Applicable values: See PaymentHoldStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Unique identifier for an eBay sales transaction. This identifier is created once there is a commitment from a buyer to purchase an item, or if/when the buyer actually purchases the line item through a 'Buy it Now' option. An ItemID/TransactionID pair can be used and referenced during an order checkout flow to identify a line item.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

Note: Beginning in July 2024, non-zero transaction IDs will start being returned for auction listings. If necessary, update code to handle non-zero transaction IDs for auction transactions before this time.
For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer and seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, transaction ID is only returned to the buyer and seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionType Conditionally Contains the information describing a transaction.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaidStatusCodeType Conditionally Specifies the paid status of the order.

Applicable values: See BuyerPaidStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback left by the caller for their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been left by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback received by the caller from their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been received by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemType Conditionally This container consists of relevant details about the listing associated with the sales transaction. Which listing fields are returned under this container will depend on the listing, the eBay marketplace, and the API call.

In an AddOrder call, only the unique identifier of the listing (ItemID) is needed to help identify the sales transaction to combine into a 'Combined Invoice' order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site.

An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address.

Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.
Max length: 64 for US. May differ for other countries. Note: The eBay database allocates up to 128 characters for this field .

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Anonymous user information
    Member communications

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Always A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This identifier is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, or the buyer actually purchases the item using a 'Buy it Now' option.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, order line item ID is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the buyer paid for the order and/or order was marked as 'Paid' by the seller. This field is returned once payment has been made by the buyer.

This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Paid' in the following ways:
  • Automatically when a payment is made through eBay's system
  • Seller marks the item as paid in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro
  • Programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Container consisting of a pickup method and the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. In-Store Pickup is only applicable to the US site, and Click and Collect is only applicable to the UK, Germany, and Australia sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates an available pickup method. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: At this time, 'InStorePickup' and 'PickUpDropOff' are the only available pickup methods; however, additional pickup methods may be added to the list in future releases.
Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupMethodSelectedType Conditionally This container consists of details related to the selected In-Store pickup method, including the pickup method, the merchant's store ID, the status of the In-Store pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique reference number defined by the merchant to track In-Store Pickup orders. The MerchantPickupCode is picked up by eBay if it is set by the merchant through the payload of a notification sent to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is only returned with the PickupMethodSelected container if it set by the merchant.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real reference number is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up. This field will only be returned if supplied by the merchant.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates the local pickup method that was selected by the buyer at checkout. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: Merchants must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or "Click and Collect" feature to list items that are eligible for these local pickup methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
PickupStatusCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the current status of the local pickup order. The value of the PickupStatus field can change during the lifecycle of the order based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, these features are generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

Applicable values: See PickupStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. The PickupStoreID is picked up by eBay based on the LocationID value that is set by the merchant in the Inventory Management API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionPlatformCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the site on which the sales transaction originated.

Note: Currently, the only value that should be returned in this field is eBay, as the Half.com marketplace no longer exists.

Applicable values:

(out) This value indicates the purchase occurred on an eBay marketplace site.

(Not all values in TransactionPlatformCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This value indicates the quantity of the line item purchased at the same time by the same buyer from one listing. For auction listings, this value is always '1'. For fixed-price, non-variation listings, this value can be greater than 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the line item was marked as 'Shipped'. This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Shipped' by purchasing an eBay shipping label, providing shipment tracking in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro, or programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

Note: This field does not appear in the Sell Feed API's LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses, because once shipment tracking information is provided to the buyer, the order/order line item is considered acknowledged, and acknowledged orders do not show up in the LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionStatusType Conditionally Container consisting of checkout/payment status details for an order line item. Several of these fields change values during the checkout flow.

For GetOrders, only a limited number of applicable fields are returned at the order line item level. The fields indicating the status of the order are actually found in the OrderArray.Order.CheckoutStatus container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CancelStatusCodeType Conditionally The current status for the order cancellation request if it exists. This field is only returned if a cancellation request has been made on an order, or if the order is currently going through the cancellation process, or if the order has already been cancelled.

Applicable values: See CancelStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaymentHoldStatusCodeType Always This field indicates the type and/or status of a payment hold on the item. If there is no hold against the item, this field is returned with a value of NotApplicable.
Note: For the GetItemTransactions and GetOrders, calls, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.

Applicable values: See PaymentHoldStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Unique identifier for an eBay sales transaction. This identifier is created once there is a commitment from a buyer to purchase an item, or if/when the buyer actually purchases the line item through a 'Buy it Now' option. An ItemID/TransactionID pair can be used and referenced during an order checkout flow to identify a line item.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

Note: Beginning in July 2024, non-zero transaction IDs will start being returned for auction listings. If necessary, update code to handle non-zero transaction IDs for auction transactions before this time.
For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer and seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, transaction ID is only returned to the buyer and seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaginationResultType Conditionally Specifies information about the list, including number of pages and number of entries.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FavoriteSearches MyeBayFavoriteSearchListType Conditionally This container consists of the eBay user's saved searches. This container will be returned if the eBay user has one or more saved searches.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if the user has saved searches) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the FavoriteSearches.Include field is omitted or set to false.

This container consists of the search name, search query, and other search elements. The user can copy and paste the URL in the SearchQuery field into a browser to view the search results again.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
MyeBayFavoriteSearchType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A favorite search the user has saved, with a name and a search query.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The BidCountMax value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The BidCountMax limits the search results to items with a maximum number of bids.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The BidCountMin value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The BidCountMin limits the results of a search to items with a maximum number of bids.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This is the unique identifier (Category ID) of the category in which the user was searching for the item for the Saved Search. Specifying a category in a query restricts the search to a specific category. If the Saved Search is not restricted to a specific category, the CategoryID field will not appear in the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemConditionCodeType Conditionally The Condition value in a My eBay Favorite Search. Condition limits the results to new or used items, plus items that have no condition specified.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The seller specified the Item Condition as New, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as Used.)
(out) The seller specified the Item Condition as Used, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as New.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The appearance of a Currency value indicates that a currency filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with the specified Currency value are retrieved in the search results.

Applicable values: See Currency.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values indicates that a date range has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings ending during the date range defined with the EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values are retrieved in the search results.

The EndTimeFrom value indicates the beginning of the date range.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The appearance of EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values in the response indicates that a date range has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings ending during the date range defined with the EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values are retrieved in the search results.

The EndTimeTo value indicates the ending of the date range.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CountryCodeType Conditionally The ItemsAvailableTo value in a My eBay Favorite Search. ItemsAvailableTo limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country.

Applicable values: See ItemsAvailableTo.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CountryCodeType Conditionally The ItemsLocatedIn value in a My eBay Favorite Search. ItemsLocatedIn limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country.

Applicable values: See ItemsLocatedIn.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SimpleItemSortCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the "Sort by" value that the user specified in the Saved Search. Some of the ways buyers can sort items include by Best Match (generally, the default), item price, item price + shipping, listing end time, and item distance (relative to the buyer's shipping address). Available sort values may vary for each search, but below is the complete set of values that may be returned in this field.

Applicable values: See ItemSort.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemTypeCodeType Conditionally Enumerated value that provides more information on the type of listing type filtering the buyer used when setting up a Saved Search in My eBay.

Applicable values: See ItemType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The appearance of a MaxDistance value in the response indicates that a proximity (Items near me) filter has been specified in the Saved Search.

The MaxDistance value is the maximum distance (in miles) away from the buyer's postal code (specified or default) that an item may be located (based on the PostalCode value returned in the FavoriteSearch container). In a Saved Search, a buyer can supply a postal code or can base that postal code on a major city. If neither one of these methods for selecting a postal code is used, the postal code defaults to the buyer's primary shipping address. Only items located within the MaxDistance value are returned in the search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The PostalCode value is either the postal code for the buyer's primary shipping address, or it is the postal code specified through the proximity (Items near me) filter of a Saved Search. In a Saved Search, a buyer can supply a postal code or can base that postal code on a major city.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PreferredLocationCodeType Conditionally The PreferredLocation value of a My eBay Favorite Search. The PreferredLocation specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request.

Applicable values: See PreferredLocation.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMax value indicates that a maximum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or below the PriceMax value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMax can be used in conjunction with PriceMin in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMax value indicates that a maximum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or below the PriceMax value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMax can be used in conjunction with PriceMin in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMin value indicates that a minimum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or above the PriceMin value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMin can be used in conjunction with PriceMax in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMin value indicates that a minimum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or above the PriceMin value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMin can be used in conjunction with PriceMax in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally The Quantity value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The Quantity limits the search results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query. The Quantity field is used with QuantityOperator to specify that you are seeking listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
QuantityOperatorCodeType Conditionally The Quantity Operator value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The Quantity Operator limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity.

Applicable values: See QuantityOperator.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This string is the original search string of the buyer's Saved Search on My eBay. This is the string that the user input into the search field.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SearchFlagCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The SearchFlag value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SearchFlag allows you to specify whether you want to include charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features in your search.

Applicable values: See SearchFlag.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The name of the buyer's Saved Search on My eBay. The name defaults to the user's original search string, or the user has the option of modifying the name of the Saved Search.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This is the URL of the buyer's Saved Search on My eBay.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SellerBusinessCodeType Conditionally The SellerBusinessType value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SellerBusinessType limits the search results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private. SellerBusinessType is only available for sites that have business seller features enabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Commercial seller account.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Private seller account.
(out) Type of seller account not defined.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The SellerID value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SellerID is the eBay ID of a specific seller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The SellerIDExclude value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SellerIDExclude limits the search results to exclude items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SortOrderCodeType Conditionally The SortOrder value works in conjunction with the ItemSort value, and indicates whether Saved Search results are returned in ascending (low to high values) or descending (high to low values) order.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in ascending (low to high) order.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in descending (high to low) order.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The total number of favorite searches saved.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FavoriteSellers MyeBayFavoriteSellerListType Conditionally This container consists of the eBay user's saved sellers. This container will be returned if the eBay user has one or more saved sellers.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if the user has saved sellers) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the FavoriteSellers.Include field is omitted or set to false.

This container consists of the saved sellers' user IDs and eBay Store names (if applicable).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
FavoriteSellers.FavoriteSeller MyeBayFavoriteSellerType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A favorite seller the user has saved, with a user ID and store name.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The name of the store owned by the favorite seller, if applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The favorite seller's eBay user ID.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FavoriteSellers.TotalAvailable int Conditionally The total number of favorite sellers saved.
Max: 100.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LostList PaginatedItemArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the auction items on which the eBay user has bid on but lost. This container will be returned if the eBay user has lost one or more auction items.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if the buyer has lost one or more auction items) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the LostList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LostList.ItemArray ItemArrayType Conditionally An array of one or more items returned under one or more containers in a GetMyeBayBuying or GetMyeBaySelling call response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LostList.ItemArray.Item ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains the data properties that define one item listing. GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList only return items if any are available for the seller within the time window specified in the request.

Some optional fields are only returned if the seller defined them for the item. Some fields are only returned under particular conditions specified in the individual field descriptions. For example, a buyer's contact information might only be returned if the member who is making the request (as identified in the eBayAuthToken) has an order relationship with that buyer.

For calls that support detail levels, the set of fields returned is also controlled by the value of DetailLevel in the request. For some calls, other parameters in the request can also control the data returned for each item. For example, GranularityLevel controls the fields to return for each item in the GetSellerList response.
Note: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LostList.ItemArray.Item.ItemID ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
LostList.ItemArray.Item.Seller UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
UserType Conditionally For ended auction listings that have a winning bidder, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. For ended, single-item, fixed-price listings, this field is a container for the user ID of the purchaser. This field isn't returned for auctions with no bids, or for active fixed-price listings.

In the case of PlaceOffer, for auction listings, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. In the PlaceOffer response, the following applies: For multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings, the high bidder is only returned if there is just one order line item (or only for the first order line item that is created).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

LostList.ItemArray.Item.Site SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

LostList.ItemArray.Item.Title string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LostList.PaginationResult PaginationResultType Conditionally This container shows the total numer of items that matched the input criteria and the total number of the results set. Users can use the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request to toggle through different pages in the results set.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SecondChanceOffer ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container consists of the items on which the eBay user has received a Second Chance Offer. This container will be returned if the eBay user has made one or more Second Chance Offers.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if user has received Second Chance Offers) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the SecondChanceOffer.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SecondChanceOffer.eBayNotes string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SecondChanceOffer.ItemID ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SecondChanceOffer.PrivateNotes string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
SecondChanceOffer.Site SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SecondChanceOffer.SubTitle string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

SecondChanceOffer.TimeLeft duration Conditionally Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SecondChanceOffer.Title string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
UserDefinedList UserDefinedListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container consists of data for a user-defined list that was created by the user in My eBay. User-defined lists consists of a combination of items, saved sellers, and/or saved searches.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if one or more user-defined lists exist) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the UserDefinedList.Include field is omitted or set to false.
MyeBayFavoriteSearchListType Conditionally An array of Favorite Searches that the user has added to the user-defined list.
MyeBayFavoriteSearchType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A favorite search the user has saved, with a name and a search query.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The BidCountMax value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The BidCountMax limits the search results to items with a maximum number of bids.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The BidCountMin value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The BidCountMin limits the results of a search to items with a maximum number of bids.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This is the unique identifier (Category ID) of the category in which the user was searching for the item for the Saved Search. Specifying a category in a query restricts the search to a specific category. If the Saved Search is not restricted to a specific category, the CategoryID field will not appear in the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemConditionCodeType Conditionally The Condition value in a My eBay Favorite Search. Condition limits the results to new or used items, plus items that have no condition specified.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The seller specified the Item Condition as New, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as Used.)
(out) The seller specified the Item Condition as Used, or did not specify a condition. (Excludes items that the seller listed as New.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The appearance of a Currency value indicates that a currency filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with the specified Currency value are retrieved in the search results.

Applicable values: See Currency.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values indicates that a date range has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings ending during the date range defined with the EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values are retrieved in the search results.

The EndTimeFrom value indicates the beginning of the date range.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The appearance of EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values in the response indicates that a date range has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings ending during the date range defined with the EndTimeFrom and EndTimeFrom values are retrieved in the search results.

The EndTimeTo value indicates the ending of the date range.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CountryCodeType Conditionally The ItemsAvailableTo value in a My eBay Favorite Search. ItemsAvailableTo limits the result set to just those items available to the specified country.

Applicable values: See ItemsAvailableTo.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CountryCodeType Conditionally The ItemsLocatedIn value in a My eBay Favorite Search. ItemsLocatedIn limits the result set to just those items located in the specified country.

Applicable values: See ItemsLocatedIn.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SimpleItemSortCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the "Sort by" value that the user specified in the Saved Search. Some of the ways buyers can sort items include by Best Match (generally, the default), item price, item price + shipping, listing end time, and item distance (relative to the buyer's shipping address). Available sort values may vary for each search, but below is the complete set of values that may be returned in this field.

Applicable values: See ItemSort.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemTypeCodeType Conditionally Enumerated value that provides more information on the type of listing type filtering the buyer used when setting up a Saved Search in My eBay.

Applicable values: See ItemType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The appearance of a MaxDistance value in the response indicates that a proximity (Items near me) filter has been specified in the Saved Search.

The MaxDistance value is the maximum distance (in miles) away from the buyer's postal code (specified or default) that an item may be located (based on the PostalCode value returned in the FavoriteSearch container). In a Saved Search, a buyer can supply a postal code or can base that postal code on a major city. If neither one of these methods for selecting a postal code is used, the postal code defaults to the buyer's primary shipping address. Only items located within the MaxDistance value are returned in the search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The PostalCode value is either the postal code for the buyer's primary shipping address, or it is the postal code specified through the proximity (Items near me) filter of a Saved Search. In a Saved Search, a buyer can supply a postal code or can base that postal code on a major city.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PreferredLocationCodeType Conditionally The PreferredLocation value of a My eBay Favorite Search. The PreferredLocation specifies the criteria for filtering search results by site, where site is determined by the site ID in the request.

Applicable values: See PreferredLocation.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMax value indicates that a maximum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or below the PriceMax value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMax can be used in conjunction with PriceMin in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMax value indicates that a maximum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or below the PriceMax value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMax can be used in conjunction with PriceMin in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMin value indicates that a minimum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or above the PriceMin value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMin can be used in conjunction with PriceMax in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The appearance of a PriceMin value indicates that a minimum price filter has been specified in the Saved Search. Only listings with an item price at or above the PriceMin value are retrieved in the search results.

PriceMin can be used in conjunction with PriceMax in a Saved Search to specify a price range. Only listings with item prices within this price range are retrieved in the search results.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally The Quantity value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The Quantity limits the search results to listings that offer a certain number of items matching the query. The Quantity field is used with QuantityOperator to specify that you are seeking listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
QuantityOperatorCodeType Conditionally The Quantity Operator value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The Quantity Operator limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or less than the value you specify in Quantity.

Applicable values: See QuantityOperator.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This string is the original search string of the buyer's Saved Search on My eBay. This is the string that the user input into the search field.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SearchFlagCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The SearchFlag value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SearchFlag allows you to specify whether you want to include charity listings, free-shipping listings, and listings with other features in your search.

Applicable values: See SearchFlag.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The name of the buyer's Saved Search on My eBay. The name defaults to the user's original search string, or the user has the option of modifying the name of the Saved Search.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally This is the URL of the buyer's Saved Search on My eBay.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SellerBusinessCodeType Conditionally The SellerBusinessType value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SellerBusinessType limits the search results to those of a particular seller business type such as commercial or private. SellerBusinessType is only available for sites that have business seller features enabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Commercial seller account.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Private seller account.
(out) Type of seller account not defined.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The SellerID value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SellerID is the eBay ID of a specific seller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The SellerIDExclude value in a My eBay Favorite Search. The SellerIDExclude limits the search results to exclude items sold by a specific seller or by specific sellers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SortOrderCodeType Conditionally The SortOrder value works in conjunction with the ItemSort value, and indicates whether Saved Search results are returned in ascending (low to high values) or descending (high to low values) order.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in ascending (low to high) order.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) The results will be sorted by the specified key in descending (high to low) order.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The total number of favorite searches saved.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The value in this field indicates the total number of favorite sellers in the user-defined list. The number of FavoriteSeller nodes returned in the response should match this value.
MyeBayFavoriteSellerListType Conditionally An array of Favorite Sellers that the user has added to the user-defined list.
MyeBayFavoriteSellerType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A favorite seller the user has saved, with a user ID and store name.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The name of the store owned by the favorite seller, if applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The favorite seller's eBay user ID.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The total number of favorite sellers saved.
Max: 100.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
UserDefinedList.ItemArray ItemArrayType Conditionally An array of Items that the user has added to the user-defined list.
UserDefinedList.ItemArray.Item ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains the data properties that define one item listing. GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList only return items if any are available for the seller within the time window specified in the request.

Some optional fields are only returned if the seller defined them for the item. Some fields are only returned under particular conditions specified in the individual field descriptions. For example, a buyer's contact information might only be returned if the member who is making the request (as identified in the eBayAuthToken) has an order relationship with that buyer.

For calls that support detail levels, the set of fields returned is also controlled by the value of DetailLevel in the request. For some calls, other parameters in the request can also control the data returned for each item. For example, GranularityLevel controls the fields to return for each item in the GetSellerList response.
Note: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserDefinedList.ItemCount int Conditionally The value in this field indicates the total number of items in the user-defined list. The number of Item nodes in the ItemArray should match this value.
UserDefinedList.Name string Conditionally The user's chosen name for this list.
WatchList PaginatedItemArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the items on the eBay user's Watch List. This container will be returned if the eBay user has one or more items on their Watch List.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if there are items on the Watch List) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the WatchList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
WatchList.ItemArray ItemArrayType Conditionally An array of one or more items returned under one or more containers in a GetMyeBayBuying or GetMyeBaySelling call response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
WatchList.ItemArray.Item ItemType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Contains the data properties that define one item listing. GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList only return items if any are available for the seller within the time window specified in the request.

Some optional fields are only returned if the seller defined them for the item. Some fields are only returned under particular conditions specified in the individual field descriptions. For example, a buyer's contact information might only be returned if the member who is making the request (as identified in the eBayAuthToken) has an order relationship with that buyer.

For calls that support detail levels, the set of fields returned is also controlled by the value of DetailLevel in the request. For some calls, other parameters in the request can also control the data returned for each item. For example, GranularityLevel controls the fields to return for each item in the GetSellerList response.
Note: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
anyURI Conditionally The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the US site, this is called the View Item page. If you enabled affiliate tracking in a search-related call (for example, if you used the AffiliateTrackingDetails container in an applicable call), ViewItemURL contains a string that includes affiliate tracking information (see the eBay Partner Network).
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
UserType Conditionally For ended auction listings that have a winning bidder, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. For ended, single-item, fixed-price listings, this field is a container for the user ID of the purchaser. This field isn't returned for auctions with no bids, or for active fixed-price listings.

In the case of PlaceOffer, for auction listings, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. In the PlaceOffer response, the following applies: For multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings, the high bidder is only returned if there is just one order line item (or only for the first order line item that is created).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackRatingStarCodeType Conditionally
A visual indicator of an eBay user's Feedback score. A different colored star is used for each range of Feedback scores. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

Applicable values: See FeedbackRatingStar.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

PromotionalSaleDetailsType Conditionally If a seller has reduced the price of a listed item with the Promotional Price Display feature, this field contains the original price of the discounted item, along with the start-time and end-time of the discount.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally End time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Original price of an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Original price of an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Start time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
WatchList.ItemArray.Item.Site SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

duration Conditionally Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
WatchList.ItemArray.Item.Title string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
WatchList.PaginationResult PaginationResultType Conditionally This container shows the total numer of items that matched the input criteria and the total number of the results set. Users can use the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request to toggle through different pages in the results set.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
WonList PaginatedOrderTransactionArrayType Conditionally This container consists of the auction items on which the eBay user has won. This container will be returned if the eBay user has won one or more auction items.

This container will not be returned in the response (even if there are items on the Won List) if the DetailLevel value is set to ReturnSummary and the WonList.Include field is omitted or set to false.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
WonList.OrderTransactionArray OrderTransactionArrayType Conditionally Contains the list of orders.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
OrderTransactionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container consists of detailed information on a specific order and each order line item in that order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
OrderType Conditionally Contains the information describing an order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyerPackageEnclosuresType Conditionally
This container is returned in GetOrders (and other order management calls) if the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is being offered to the buyer, and the seller is including payment instructions in the shipping package(s) for the order. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the Germany site.
Note: The ContainingOrder.BuyerPackageEnclosures container will stop being returned by GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyerPackageEnclosureType (string) Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A BuyerPackageEnclosure container will be returned for each shipping package containing payment instructions. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the German site.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute type ]
PaymentInstructionCodeType Conditionally A BuyerPackageEnclosure container will be returned for each shipping package containing payment instructions. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the German site.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see PaymentInstructionCodeType.
OrderIDType (string) Conditionally A unique identifier for an eBay order. This identifier is globally unique across all eBay marketplaces, and consistent for both single line item and multiple line item orders. Note that the order ID will change for a 'non-immediate payment' order as it goes from an unpaid order to a paid order.

Note: The value in the OrderID and ExtendedOrderID fields should always be the same. The ExtendedOrderID field was added back in 2019 during a transition period where the Trading API was supporting both old and new order ID formats, and which order ID format that was returned was dependent on the compatibility level version used.
Max length: 40.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

For GetOrders, this container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Container consisting of a pickup method and the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. In-Store Pickup is only applicable to the US site, and Click and Collect is only applicable to the UK, Germany, and Australia sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates an available pickup method. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: At this time, 'InStorePickup' and 'PickUpDropOff' are the only available pickup methods; however, additional pickup methods may be added to the list in future releases.
Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupMethodSelectedType Conditionally Container consisting of details related to the selected pickup method, including the pickup method type, the merchant's store ID, the status of the pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).

This container is only returned when the buyer has selected the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect option and has paid for the order. All fields in the PickupMethodSelected container are static, except for the PickupStatus field, which can change states based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique reference number defined by the merchant to track In-Store Pickup orders. The MerchantPickupCode is picked up by eBay if it is set by the merchant through the payload of a notification sent to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is only returned with the PickupMethodSelected container if it set by the merchant.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real reference number is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up. This field will only be returned if supplied by the merchant.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates the local pickup method that was selected by the buyer at checkout. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: Merchants must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or "Click and Collect" feature to list items that are eligible for these local pickup methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
PickupStatusCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the current status of the local pickup order. The value of the PickupStatus field can change during the lifecycle of the order based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, these features are generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

Applicable values: See PickupStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. The PickupStoreID is picked up by eBay based on the LocationID value that is set by the merchant in the Inventory Management API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of order-level shipping details. More shipping-related details can be found at the line item level for each line item in the order.

In an AddOrder call, the seller can use the ShippingDetails container to make adjustments to shipping details, including the available shipping service options and shipping cost. Sometimes, sellers will reduce the cost of shipping if one or more order line items can be shipped together in the same package.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cumulative item cost for all line items in the order. This value does not take into account any shipping/handling costs, sales tax costs, or any discounts. For a single line item order, the amount in this field should be the same as the amount in the Transaction.TransactionPrice field. For a multiple line item order, the amount in this field should equal the cumulative amount of each Transaction.TransactionPrice fields for each order line item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cumulative item cost for all line items in the order. This value does not take into account any shipping/handling costs, sales tax costs, or any discounts. For a single line item order, the amount in this field should be the same as the amount in the Transaction.TransactionPrice field. For a multiple line item order, the amount in this field should equal the cumulative amount of each Transaction.TransactionPrice fields for each order line item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
TransactionArrayType Conditionally Container consisting of one or more line items that comprise an order. The data for each order line item in the order is stored in a separate Transaction container.

Under the TransactionArray container in an AddOrder call, a seller or buyer specifies two or more (up to 40) order line items into a 'Combined Invoice' order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Combined Invoice.

TransactionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A Transaction container is returned for each line item in the order. This container consists of detailed information on one order line item.

For the AddOrder call, a Transaction container is used to identified the unpaid order line items that are being combined into one Combined Invoice order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaidStatusCodeType Conditionally Specifies the paid status of the order.

Applicable values: See BuyerPaidStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback left by the caller for their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been left by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback received by the caller from their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been received by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemType Conditionally This container consists of relevant details about the listing associated with the sales transaction. Which listing fields are returned under this container will depend on the listing, the eBay marketplace, and the API call.

In an AddOrder call, only the unique identifier of the listing (ItemID) is needed to help identify the sales transaction to combine into a 'Combined Invoice' order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site.

An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address.

Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.
Max length: 64 for US. May differ for other countries. Note: The eBay database allocates up to 128 characters for this field .

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Anonymous user information
    Member communications

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Always A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This identifier is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, or the buyer actually purchases the item using a 'Buy it Now' option.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, order line item ID is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the buyer paid for the order and/or order was marked as 'Paid' by the seller. This field is returned once payment has been made by the buyer.

This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Paid' in the following ways:
  • Automatically when a payment is made through eBay's system
  • Seller marks the item as paid in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro
  • Programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Container consisting of a pickup method and the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. In-Store Pickup is only applicable to the US site, and Click and Collect is only applicable to the UK, Germany, and Australia sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates an available pickup method. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: At this time, 'InStorePickup' and 'PickUpDropOff' are the only available pickup methods; however, additional pickup methods may be added to the list in future releases.
Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupMethodSelectedType Conditionally This container consists of details related to the selected In-Store pickup method, including the pickup method, the merchant's store ID, the status of the In-Store pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique reference number defined by the merchant to track In-Store Pickup orders. The MerchantPickupCode is picked up by eBay if it is set by the merchant through the payload of a notification sent to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is only returned with the PickupMethodSelected container if it set by the merchant.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real reference number is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up. This field will only be returned if supplied by the merchant.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates the local pickup method that was selected by the buyer at checkout. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: Merchants must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or "Click and Collect" feature to list items that are eligible for these local pickup methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
PickupStatusCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the current status of the local pickup order. The value of the PickupStatus field can change during the lifecycle of the order based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, these features are generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

Applicable values: See PickupStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. The PickupStoreID is picked up by eBay based on the LocationID value that is set by the merchant in the Inventory Management API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionPlatformCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the site on which the sales transaction originated.

Note: Currently, the only value that should be returned in this field is eBay, as the Half.com marketplace no longer exists.

Applicable values:

(out) This value indicates the purchase occurred on an eBay marketplace site.

(Not all values in TransactionPlatformCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This value indicates the quantity of the line item purchased at the same time by the same buyer from one listing. For auction listings, this value is always '1'. For fixed-price, non-variation listings, this value can be greater than 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the line item was marked as 'Shipped'. This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Shipped' by purchasing an eBay shipping label, providing shipment tracking in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro, or programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

Note: This field does not appear in the Sell Feed API's LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses, because once shipment tracking information is provided to the buyer, the order/order line item is considered acknowledged, and acknowledged orders do not show up in the LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionStatusType Conditionally Container consisting of checkout/payment status details for an order line item. Several of these fields change values during the checkout flow.

For GetOrders, only a limited number of applicable fields are returned at the order line item level. The fields indicating the status of the order are actually found in the OrderArray.Order.CheckoutStatus container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CancelStatusCodeType Conditionally The current status for the order cancellation request if it exists. This field is only returned if a cancellation request has been made on an order, or if the order is currently going through the cancellation process, or if the order has already been cancelled.

Applicable values: See CancelStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaymentHoldStatusCodeType Always This field indicates the type and/or status of a payment hold on the item. If there is no hold against the item, this field is returned with a value of NotApplicable.
Note: For the GetItemTransactions and GetOrders, calls, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.

Applicable values: See PaymentHoldStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Unique identifier for an eBay sales transaction. This identifier is created once there is a commitment from a buyer to purchase an item, or if/when the buyer actually purchases the line item through a 'Buy it Now' option. An ItemID/TransactionID pair can be used and referenced during an order checkout flow to identify a line item.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

Note: Beginning in July 2024, non-zero transaction IDs will start being returned for auction listings. If necessary, update code to handle non-zero transaction IDs for auction transactions before this time.
For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer and seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, transaction ID is only returned to the buyer and seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionType Conditionally Contains the information describing a transaction.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaidStatusCodeType Conditionally Specifies the paid status of the order.

Applicable values: See BuyerPaidStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback left by the caller for their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been left by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeedbackInfoType Conditionally This container consists of Feedback received by the caller from their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been received by the caller.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CommentTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used.

A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason.

Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers.

Applicable values: See CommentType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemType Conditionally This container consists of relevant details about the listing associated with the sales transaction. Which listing fields are returned under this container will depend on the listing, the eBay marketplace, and the API call.

In an AddOrder call, only the unique identifier of the listing (ItemID) is needed to help identify the sales transaction to combine into a 'Combined Invoice' order.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BiddingDetailsType Conditionally Detailed information about a bid. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no bids meet the request criteria.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value (from seller's currency to buyer's currency) of the amount in the MaxBid field. This field is only applicable and returned if the buyer purchased an item from an eBay site in another country. For active items, it is recommended to refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This value is the dollar value of the highest bid that the buyer placed on the auction item.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally This value is the total number of bids that the buyer placed on the auction item throughout the duration of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This field will only be returned if the buyer won the auction item, and if it is returned, its value will always be 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Conditionally Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value).

If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction

For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem, since these calls only work with fixed-price listings.

This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing types.

PictureDetailsType Conditionally This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol.

It is required that all listings have at least one picture.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Add pictures
    Adding photos to your listing

anyURI Conditionally This field shows the URL for the gallery image of an item returned in GetMyeBayBuying
and GetMyeBaySelling.

Max length: 1024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note.

Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead.

For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).

In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site).
UserType Conditionally Container for information about this listing's seller.

Returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback if Buyer is making the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site.

An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address.

Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.
Max length: 64 for US. May differ for other countries. Note: The eBay database allocates up to 128 characters for this field .

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Anonymous user information
    Member communications

UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

SellingStatusType Conditionally Various details about the current status of the listing, such as the current number of bids, the current high bidder, quantity sold, current price, and listing status.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
ShippingDetailsType Conditionally The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs.

Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container.

If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request.
Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired.

For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout.

Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform.

Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
  • Either omit the entire ShippingDetails container, or pass in an empty ShippingDetails container - <ShippingDetails/>
  • Pass in one ShipToLocations field, with its value set to None - <ShipToLocations>None</ShipToLocations>

For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Shipping costs
    Revising Items for restrictions on changing item properties with ReviseItem

InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions.

If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes.

All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing).

If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

ShippingServiceOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required.

If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them:


If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well.

To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing.

A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated).

Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup.
For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1).

boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the domestic shipping service is considered an expedited shipping service. An expedited service is typically a shipping service that can ship an order that will arrive at the buyer's location within one to two business days.
boolean Conditionally This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored.

For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1.
Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000, 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.

See Free shipping.

AmountType (double) Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally For orders using eBay International Shipping, when using the GetOrders call, the OrderArray.Order.ShippingServiceSelected.ImportCharge field contains only customs charges.

For the Global Shipping Program, which is only supported in the UK, this field contains the total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally The LocalPickup flag is used by the GetMyEbayBuying and GetMyEbaySelling calls to indicate whether the buyer has selected local pickup as the shipping option or the seller has specified local pickup as the first shipping option. The LocalPickup flag can also be used with other fields to indicate if there is no fee for local pickup.

For example, if the LocalPickup flag is used with the ShippingServiceOptions and ShippingServiceCost fields, the seller can indicate that local pickup is an available option and that no is fee charged. This is the equivalent of free shipping.
token Conditionally This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container.

For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.

Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope.

For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service.

See GeteBayDetails.

Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType
AmountType (double) Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost.

The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field.

In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.

Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0, as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost.

Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup, ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0. Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero.

If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options.

If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping service (indicated in the corresponding ShippingService field) will take to be delivered to the buyer.

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types.

GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these.

GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.

Applicable values: See ShippingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
SiteCodeType Conditionally The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing.

When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API).

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Listing Policies.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice.

For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item.

GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.

For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead.

For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees).

When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle.

Max length: 55.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Remove a field
    (RelistItem) DeletedField
    Create an eBay Motors listing

string Conditionally This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing.

You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.)

The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours.
Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold.
Max length: 80.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsType Conditionally
Variations are similar (but not identical) items in a multiple-variation, fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size (like "Blue, Large" and "Black, Medium"). Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)

If you list in two categories, both categories must support listing with variations. See VariationsEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine applicable categories.

For ReviseFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Once a listing has been submitted with variations, you can't delete all the variations when you revise or relist the listing (because it would be considered a different listing). You also can't add or change variation specifics (because they are unique identifiers). However, you can delete or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. If a variation has no purchases, use the Variation.Delete field to delete the variation. If it has inventory, set the Quantity to 0.

As a best practice, if you want to revise multiple variations in the same listing at the same time (i.e., within a very short period), use a single ReviseFixedPriceItem request and include all the variation revisions in the same request. If your application design requires you to revise each variation individually, then avoid using multiple parallel threads. Instead, use a serial, synchronous process. That is, wait until each revision has been processed by eBay before submitting the next revision request for another variation in the same listing.

For GetItem and related calls Only returned when a listing has variations.

For GetSellerList: Only returned when a listing has variations, IncludeVariations was set to true in the request, the DetailLevel was set to ReturnAll, and an applicable pagination value and time range were specified.

For GetItemTransactions Only returned in Item when a listing has variations and IncludeVariations was set to true in the request. (Also see Variation returned in Transaction for information about which variation was actually purchased.)

For GetSellerEvents, GetMyeBayBuying, and GetMyeBaySelling: Only returned when a listing has variations and HideVariations was set to false or not specified in the request.
Note: This container will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

VariationType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]

Contains data that distinguishes one item variation from another. For example, if an item varies by color and size, each Variation node specifies a combination of one of those colors and sizes.

When listing or relisting an item, you are allowed to create a listing with only one item variation, and you might have a plan to add more item variations to the listing in the future. However, if you don't plan to add other item variations in the future, we recommend that you avoid listing with only one variation, so that you avoid confusing buyers.

If you specify multiple Variation containers in an add/revise/relist/verify add call to define multiple item variations, the Variation containers must be contiguous or an error will occur. This means that you would not want to input a Pictures or a VariationSpecificsSet container in between Variation containers in an API call.

When you modify an item variation with a ReviseFixedPriceItem call, the best practice is to include all applicable fields under the Variation container, even if some of the values/settings are not being modified. The StartPrice and VariationSpecifics must be included when modifying an existing item variation, even if these values are not being changed. If a SKU value is defined for the item variation, it is strongly recommended that you include the SKU field, regardless of whether the SKU value is changing or not. If the SKU field is not included, any existing SKU value will be removed from the item variation. It is also strongly recommended that you include the Quantity field and input an accurate value, because if the Quantity field is omitted in the API call, the quantity for the item variation is set to 0.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Multiple-variation listings.

NameValueListArrayType Conditionally,
repeatable: [2..5]

A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of Item Specific names, but each variation must provide a unique combination of values for those Item Specific names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify 'Color' and 'Size' as Item Specific names, but no two variations can specify the same combination of 'Color' and 'Size' values.

When you revise a listing that includes variations, you can change names of Variationpecifics by using the Variations.ModifyNameList container. You can also add, delete, or replace individual variations as needed to match your current inventory. Use the Variation.Delete field to delete a variation that has no sales (order line items). If the variation has sales, then set the Quantity to 0.

For GetSellerEvents To keep the GetSellerEvents response smaller, Variationpecifics are not returned if the variation has a SKU. If the variation has no SKU, then Variationpecifics are returned instead. Optionally, you can pass IncludeVariationSpecifics as true in the request to force Variationpecifics to be returned, even when the SKU is returned.
Note: The Item.Variations container and its child fields will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions on January 31, 2024.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Configure variation-selection widgets for buyers (View Item)
    Revise and relist with variations

NameValueListType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name.

For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name.

For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing.
Max length: 65.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier.

For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI. If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used.

For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing.

Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description.
Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning').

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Always A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This identifier is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, or the buyer actually purchases the item using a 'Buy it Now' option.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, order line item ID is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the buyer paid for the order and/or order was marked as 'Paid' by the seller. This field is returned once payment has been made by the buyer.

This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Paid' in the following ways:
  • Automatically when a payment is made through eBay's system
  • Seller marks the item as paid in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro
  • Programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDetailsType Conditionally Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupOptionsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Container consisting of a pickup method and the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. In-Store Pickup is only applicable to the US site, and Click and Collect is only applicable to the UK, Germany, and Australia sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates an available pickup method. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: At this time, 'InStorePickup' and 'PickUpDropOff' are the only available pickup methods; however, additional pickup methods may be added to the list in future releases.
Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
int Conditionally This integer value indicates the priority of the pickup method. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. This field is always returned with the PickupOptions container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, In-Store Pickup is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and the 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupMethodSelectedType Conditionally This container consists of details related to the selected In-Store pickup method, including the pickup method, the merchant's store ID, the status of the In-Store pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique reference number defined by the merchant to track In-Store Pickup orders. The MerchantPickupCode is picked up by eBay if it is set by the merchant through the payload of a notification sent to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is only returned with the PickupMethodSelected container if it set by the merchant.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real reference number is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up. This field will only be returned if supplied by the merchant.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally This value indicates the local pickup method that was selected by the buyer at checkout. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: Merchants must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or "Click and Collect" feature to list items that are eligible for these local pickup methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

Applicable values: See PickupMethodCodeType
PickupStatusCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the current status of the local pickup order. The value of the PickupStatus field can change during the lifecycle of the order based on the notifications that a merchant sends to eBay through the Inbound Notifications API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect features to list an item that is eligible for these features. At this time, these features are generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

Applicable values: See PickupStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally The unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. The PickupStoreID is picked up by eBay based on the LocationID value that is set by the merchant in the Inventory Management API. This field is always returned with the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup. At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants in US, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. Merchants/developers can test In-Store Pickup functionality in the Sandbox environment, including listing items enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature, creating store locations and adding inventory to these stores using the Inventory Management API, and informing eBay of In-Store Pickup status changes using the Inbound Notifications API.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionPlatformCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the site on which the sales transaction originated.

Note: Currently, the only value that should be returned in this field is eBay, as the Half.com marketplace no longer exists.

Applicable values:

(out) This value indicates the purchase occurred on an eBay marketplace site.

(Not all values in TransactionPlatformCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally This value indicates the quantity of the line item purchased at the same time by the same buyer from one listing. For auction listings, this value is always '1'. For fixed-price, non-variation listings, this value can be greater than 1.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Indicates the time when the line item was marked as 'Shipped'. This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Shipped' by purchasing an eBay shipping label, providing shipment tracking in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro, or programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale call.

Note: This field does not appear in the Sell Feed API's LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses, because once shipment tracking information is provided to the buyer, the order/order line item is considered acknowledged, and acknowledged orders do not show up in the LMS_ORDER_REPORT responses.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TransactionStatusType Conditionally Container consisting of checkout/payment status details for an order line item. Several of these fields change values during the checkout flow.

For GetOrders, only a limited number of applicable fields are returned at the order line item level. The fields indicating the status of the order are actually found in the OrderArray.Order.CheckoutStatus container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CancelStatusCodeType Conditionally The current status for the order cancellation request if it exists. This field is only returned if a cancellation request has been made on an order, or if the order is currently going through the cancellation process, or if the order has already been cancelled.

Applicable values: See CancelStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaymentHoldStatusCodeType Always This field indicates the type and/or status of a payment hold on the item. If there is no hold against the item, this field is returned with a value of NotApplicable.
Note: For the GetItemTransactions and GetOrders, calls, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.

Applicable values: See PaymentHoldStatus.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
string Conditionally Unique identifier for an eBay sales transaction. This identifier is created once there is a commitment from a buyer to purchase an item, or if/when the buyer actually purchases the line item through a 'Buy it Now' option. An ItemID/TransactionID pair can be used and referenced during an order checkout flow to identify a line item.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

Note: Beginning in July 2024, non-zero transaction IDs will start being returned for auction listings. If necessary, update code to handle non-zero transaction IDs for auction transactions before this time.
For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer and seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, transaction ID is only returned to the buyer and seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
WonList.PaginationResult PaginationResultType Conditionally Specifies information about the list, including number of pages and number of entries.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Standard Output Fields  
Ack AckCodeType Always A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for the Ack field.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the call request processing failed.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was processed successfully without any issues.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was successful, but processing was not without any issues. These issues can be checked in the Errors container, that will also be returned when one or more known issues occur with the call request.

(Not all values in AckCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Build string Always This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.
CorrelationID string Conditionally Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
Errors ErrorType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when eBay processed the request.
Errors.ErrorClassification ErrorClassificationCodeType Conditionally API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data.
(out) Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ErrorCode token Conditionally A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

See Errors By Number.

Errors.ErrorParameters ErrorParameterType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
  [ attribute ParamID ]
string Conditionally This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
Errors.ErrorParameters.Value string Conditionally This is the value of the request parameter noted in the ParamID attribute. So, if the ParamID value was ItemID, the value in this field would be the actual value of that ItemID.
Errors.LongMessage string Conditionally A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.
Errors.SeverityCode SeverityCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail) or an informational error (a warning) that should be communicated to the user.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data.

If the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), change the application before you retry the request.
  • If the problem is due to end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request to eBay.
  • If the source of the problem is on eBay's side, An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

See the Error handling section of the Making a Trading API call guide for more information.
(out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning.

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ShortMessage string Conditionally A brief description of the condition that raised the error.
HardExpirationWarning string Conditionally Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced with a new token.
Timestamp dateTime Always This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the Time Values section in the eBay Features Guide for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone.

Note: GetCategories and other Trading API calls are designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, this time value reflects the time the cached response was created. Thus, this value is not necessarily when the request was processed. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, this time value does reflect when the request was processed.
Version string Always The version of the response payload schema. Indicates the version of the schema that eBay used to process the request. See the Standard Data for All Calls section in the eBay Features Guide for information on using the response version when troubleshooting CustomCode values that appear in the response.

Detail Controls


The DetailLevel input field influences which call-specific fields may be returned. (All standard output fields are returned regardless of DetailLevel.)

The none column indicates the fields that are returned when you do not specify a DetailLevel.

YThe field is always returned.
(Y)The field is conditionally returned. See the field documentation for clarification of conditions.
-The field is not returned.

Output Field none ReturnAll


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Basic Call

Returns all your Buying data.


A potential buyer wants to retrieve all the information about items she is interested in buying, including the items she is watching, items she is bidding on, items she has made offers on (Best Offers), items she has won, and items she has lost. In addition, she wants to review her buying summary.


Setting DetailLevel to ReturnAll returns all the buying containers, with the exception of the BuyingSummary. Because of this, you must make a specific request to return the BuyingSummary.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMyeBayBuyingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


The output includes a BuyingSummary container, plus all the buying containers that have information.

XML format.
<GetMyeBayBuyingResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <TotalWinningCost currencyID="USD">0.0</TotalWinningCost>
    <TotalWonCost currencyID="USD">155.0</TotalWonCost>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">227.5</CurrentPrice>
            <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">17.0</ShippingServiceCost>
        <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
        <Title>Mint Titleist AP2 Iron</Title>
        <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">64.99</BuyItNowPrice>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">64.99</CurrentPrice>
            <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">9.95</ShippingServiceCost>
        <Title>CLEVELAND LAUNCHER</Title>
              <MaxBid currencyID="USD">45.0</MaxBid>
              <Email>Invalid Request</Email>
              <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">45.0</CurrentPrice>
                <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">15.99</ShippingServiceCost>
            <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
            <Title>Cleveland HiBore XLS 25\xB0 4i Hybrid Fujikura Gold Stiff</Title>
          <TotalPrice currencyID="USD">60.99</TotalPrice>
          <TotalTransactionPrice currencyID="USD">45.0</TotalTransactionPrice>
              <MaxBid currencyID="USD">130.0</MaxBid>
              <Email>Invalid Request</Email>
              <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">110.0</CurrentPrice>
                <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">20.0</ShippingServiceCost>
            <StartPrice currencyID="USD">70.0</StartPrice>
            <Title>Titleist 735.CM Stainless Steel Iron set Golf Club 5-PW</Title>
          <TotalPrice currencyID="USD">130.0</TotalPrice>
          <TotalTransactionPrice currencyID="USD">110.0</TotalTransactionPrice>
          <MaxBid currencyID="USD">300.0</MaxBid>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">320.0</CurrentPrice>
        <StartPrice currencyID="USD">275.0</StartPrice>
        <Title>Titleist AP2 irons 5-PW w/ Dynamic Gold stiff shafts!</Title>
          <MaxBid currencyID="USD">35.0</MaxBid>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">51.01</CurrentPrice>
        <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
        <Title>Cleveland HiBore XLS 4i 25* Fujikura Fit-On M Stiff NEW</Title>
      <SearchName>koa, Taylor Completed listings</SearchName>
      <SearchName>titleist 735 irons, Iron Set</SearchName>
      <QueryKeywords>titleist 735 irons</QueryKeywords>
          <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">141.21</CurrentPrice>
        <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
        <SubTitle>VERY GOOD CONDITION!!  BRAND NEW GRIPS!!</SubTitle>
        <Title>Titleist 735.CM Chrome Irons 3-PW Dynamic Gold S300</Title>

Change History

Change Date Description
  • SiteCodeType (modified): Czechia and Cyprus have been added to SiteCodeType as enumeration values. These sites cannot be set in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header, nor in the Site field of a request payload.
  • Order.OrderID (modified): Beginning in June 2020, only the new order ID format will be returned in response payloads for paid orders, regardless of the WSDL version number or compatibility level.
  • Order.OrderID (doc change): Updated OrderID field description to state that beginning in April 2020, users will no longer be able to control whether returned order ID values for paid orders are in the old or new format, regardless of the WSDL version number and/or compatibility level. Previously, when the new order ID format was introduced in June 2019, the user could control whether they wanted to see the new or old order ID format in response payloads.
  • ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingSurcharge (deprecated): The ShippingSurcharge field in ShippingServiceOptionsType has been removed from the Trading WSDL. For the next 18 months, this field will still be supported if used in a Add/Revise/Relist call, but it is recommended that sellers configure shipping surcharges in Shipping rate tables instead. Shipping rate tables can be added and modified through the Shipping Preferences in My eBay. Note that this field may still get returned in 'Get' calls if configured through Shipping rate tables.
  • ListingTypeCodeType (modified): The Half enumeration value is being deprecated, as API support for Half.com listings is being deprecated.
  • TransactionPlatformCodeType (modified): The Half enumeration value is being deprecated, as this value is only applicable to Half.com orders, and API support for Half.com listings is being deprecated.
  • OrderType.ContainseBayPlusTransaction (added): Returns a boolean value that indicates if the order has an eBay Plus transaction.
  • TransactionType.eBayPlusTransaction (added): Returns a boolean value that indicates if this is an eBay Plus transaction.
  • PaidStatusCodeType (modified): New 'PayUponInvoice' option added to indicate that the buyer was offered the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available to eligible German buyers as part of Progressive Checkout on the German site. If a German buyer is offered the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option, that buyer is not required to pay for the order until after receiving an order invoice from the seller.
  • SiteCodeType (modified): 'Russia' added as enumeration value to support selling on the new Russia site.
  • Order.BuyerPackageEnclosures, Transaction.BuyerPackageEnclosures (added): A BuyerPackageEnclosures container, containing one or more BuyerPackageEnclosure containers, is returned if a buyer on the Germany site is being offered the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option, and the seller has provided payment instructions to the buyer in the shipping package(s). Payment instructions are provided through the type attribute of BuyerPackageEnclosureType. The BuyerPackageEnclosures container is returned at the order level for single line item orders, and at the transaction level for multiple line item orders. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option will become available on the Germany site with the rollout of Progressive Checkout in October 2014.
  • PickuMethodCodeType (modified): 'PickUpDropOff' value added to handle the use case when the buyer selects "Click and Collect" as the pickup method. The "Click and Collect" feature is currently only available on the eBay UK site.
  • PickupMethodSelectedType (modified): 'PickupLocationUUID' value added to identify the the store where the "Click and Collect" item will be picked up.
  • PickupStatusCodeType (modified): 'PickupCancelled' added as new enum value.
  • ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingService (modified): 'eBayNowImmediateDelivery' added as an acceptable value in the ShippingService field. This value will only be returned for eBay Now-enabled listings.
  • PickupDetails (added): This In-Store Pickup container is now returned in GetMyeBayBuying under the WonList and DeletedFromWonList containers (order and transaction levels).
  • PickupMethodSelected (added): This In-Store Pickup container is now returned in GetMyeBayBuying under the WonList and DeletedFromWonList containers (order and transaction levels).
  • ItemType.DateCreated (added): New timestamp returned for each item under the WatchList container to indicate when the item was added to the user's Watch list.
  • ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions (added): The ShippingServiceOptions container is now returned for orders under the WonList and DeletedFromWonList containers.
  • ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption (added): The InternationalShippingServiceOption container is now returned for orders under the WonList and DeletedFromWonList containers.
  • ShippingDetails.ShippingType (added): The ShippingType field is now returned for orders under the WonList and DeletedFromWonList containers.
  • BestOfferList.ItemArray.Item.BestOfferDetails.BestOfferStatus (modified): Two new values added to BestOfferStatusCodeType. 'PendingBuyerConfirmation' will be returned if the seller is waiting on the buyer to commit to buying the item at the counter offer price. 'PendingBuyerPayment' will be returned if the seller is still awaiting on payment from the buyer. If the buyer does not pay within 48 hours, the counter offer will expire.
  • Transaction.TotalTransactionPrice (doc change): Clarification: This field is returned by GetMyeBayBuying, although the documentation did not indicate this before.
  • UserDefinedLists.IncludeFavoriteSellerCount, UserDefinedLists.IncludeItemCount (added): New input fields to control the display of seller and item counts in the response.
  • UserDefinedList.FavoriteSellerCount, UserDefinedList.ItemCount (added): New output fields to display seller and item counts in user-defined lists.
  • UserDefinedList.ItemArray.Item.ProductListingDetails (modified): Product listing details are returned when products have been added to a buyer's Wish List. Products can be added to a buyer's Wish List only.
  • Item.ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions.LocalPickup (added): New LocalPickup flag to indicate whether the buyer has the option to pick up items locally.
  • Transaction.BuyerPaidStatus.Paid (added): New enum value that indicates that the buyer has paid for an order.
  • PaymentHoldStatusCodeType (modified): ReleaseConfirmed, ReleaseFailed, and ReleasePending added as enumeration values to capture the status of the release of funds to a seller's account.
  • Item.ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions (modified): '4' has been added as a valid integer value to account for the additional international shipping service that may be specified by the seller.
  • PaymentHoldStatusCodeType (added): New code type that indicates the type and/or status of a payment hold.
  • OrderLineItemID (modified): The OrderLineItemID value is now returned in Production for each order line item under the WonList and DeletedFromWonList nodes.
  • OrderLineItemID (added): A unique identifier for an eBay transaction, which is based upon the concatenation of ItemID and TransactionID with a hyphen in between these two IDs. OrderLineItemID is only returned if you set your request version to 705.
  • HideVariations (added): Controls the ability to show or hide multi-variation listing details in the response.
  • ItemArray.Item.Variations (modified): Not returned when HideVariations is true in the request.
  • UserDefinedLists (added): Allows you to include a user defined list container in the response and to specify a list by name or get all user defined lists, lets you specify list contents or list names only.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingResponse.UserDefinedList.ItemArray.Item (added): The item data for an item contained in a user defined list.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingResponse.UserDefinedList.FavoriteSearches.FavoriteSearch (added): The search data for a search contained in a user defined list.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingReponse.FavoriteSellers.FavoriteSeller (added): Seller information for a seller in a user defined list.
  • Item.ShippingDetails (modified): ShippingDetails is not returned (with a request version 677 or higher) if (a) the item is marked as local pickup only with a cost of 0 or (b) ShipToLocation is None. (With a request version lower than 677, ShippingDetails is returned.)
  • PaymentHoldStatus (modified): If a new seller hold applies to the buyer's payment, a PaymentHoldStatus of NewSellerHold is returned.
  • Item.PrivateNotes (modified): PrivateNotes are supported for variations in Watch and Won lists (but only returned at the Item level).
  • BuyingSummary (added): Allows you to include a summary container in the response.
  • FavoriteSearches.FavoriteSearch.SearchFlag.NowAndNew (deprecated): Due to Now & New (Sofort & Neu) retiring as of March 2009, the Now & New enum for search has been deprecated.
  • TransactionPlatformCodeType.WorldOfGood (added): The WorldOfGood site will now show up as a transaction platform.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingResponse.BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller.FeedbackScore (added): For an item the buyer has bid on, returns the aggregate feedback score of the item's seller.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingResponse.BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller.FeedbackRatingStar (added): For an item the buyer has bid on, returns the rating star of the item's seller.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingReponse.BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder.FeedbackScore (added): For an item the buyer has bid on, returns the aggregate feedback score of the item's high bidder.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingReponse.BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder.FeedbackRatingStar (added): For an item the buyer has bid on, returns the rating star of the item's high bidder.
  • GetMyeBayBuyingRequest.DeletedFromWonList, GetMyeBayBuyingRequest.DeletedFromLostList (added): Returns items that the buyer has won or lost and deleted from My eBay.
  • TransactionArray.Transaction.PaidTime (added): Indicates the time when the transaction was marked paid, if known.
  • TransactionArray.Transaction.ShippedTime (added): Indicates the time when the item(s) associated with the transaction were marked as shipped, if known.
  • TransactionArray.Transaction.CreatedDate (added): Indicates when the transaction was created.
  • FavoriteSearches (modified): GetMyeBayBuying now returns each search element within a user's Favorite Searches. The search elements that are returned by GetMyeBayBuying can be used as input for the Shopping API FindItemsAdvanced request.
  • MyeBayFavoriteSearchesType (modified): Modified to include elements that are used as input for the Shopping API FindItemsAdvanced request.
  • SimpleItemSortCodeType (added): This type was previously only in the Shopping API, but has been added to the Trading API to support the FindItemsAdvanced request elements.
  • ItemTypeCodeType (added): This type was previously only in the Shopping API, but has been added to the Trading API to support the FindItemsAdvanced request elements.
  • SearchFlagCodeType (added): This type was previously only in the Shopping API, but has been added to the Trading API to support the FindItemsAdvanced request elements.
  • PreferredLocationCodeType (added): This type was previously only in the Shopping API, but has been added to the Trading API to support the FindItemsAdvanced request elements.
  • Item.ListingType.Express (deprecated): Due to the shutdown of UK and Germany eBay Express sites Item.ListingType.Express has been deprecated.
  • PaymentHoldStatus (added): Applicable in the case of a PayPal payment by the buyer. Provides a status value related to the occurrence of a payment review hold or merchant hold.
  • WonList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.PaisaPayID (added): PaisaPayID using which the Item was paid for. Applicable for India site only.
  • BidAssistantList (added): This is a new optional element, used to indicate whether you want to return information about items that were bid on with the Bid Assistant feature. It returns data for the BidList, LostList, WatchList, and WonList request tags. The response will include private notes and eBay notes if you set the IncludeNotes tag to True in the request.
  • SiteHostedPicture, VendorHostedPicture (modified): Deleted previously deprecated objects from the latest schema. These objects are still supported with lower request versions. See Deprecated Objects.
  • WatchList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.PromotionalSaleDetails (added): If a seller has reduced the price of a listed item with the Promotional Price Display feature, this field contains the original price of the discounted item, along with the start-time and end-time of the discount.
  • UserType (modified): Starting Jan 2007, selected tags in the User container will be made anonymous for listings that have a current price of $200.00 USD or higher. See Working with Anonymous User Information for a list of effected fields.
  • ListingType (modified): Chinese auction listings with Buy It Now are eligible for Express US.
  • WonList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.TransactionPlatform (added): The platform (eBay or Express) on which the transaction was created.
  • Item.PictureDetails (added): SiteHostedPicture and VendorHostedPicture contain data for pictures associated with an item. With compatibility level 439 and higher, that data will be returned in PictureDetails instead, regardless of the input.