eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Use this call to retrieve details of Best Offers for items being sold by or being bid on by the user. Offers are selected for return based on the BestOfferStatus filter (Active by default). See Enabling Best Offer for details.

Usage Details


Note the following rules and restrictions to the use of GetBestOffers:

For more information on when email addresses are returned, see Email and Address Privacy Policy.

Testing GetBestOffers

To test GetBestOffers in the Sandbox environment, you need at least two test users---one to act as the seller, the other as the bidder.

  1. List an item using the seller test user. Create a FixedPriceItem and enable Item.BestOfferDetails.BestOfferEnabled.
  2. Have other test user submit an offer on the item using PlaceOffer. You can also use the Sandbox UI (http://sandbox.ebay.com) to place the offer.
  3. Call GetBestOffers as one of the two users, providing no ItemID or BestOfferID. You should see a list of IDs of Best Offers related to this user.
  4. Call GetBestOffers as one of the two users, providing ItemID but no BestOfferID. You should see a list of IDs of Best Offers related to that listing.

Related Information

    Best Offer
    User information


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that could be included in the call request. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are (or soon will be) non-operational.

The XML prototype does not include requester credentials. This is a documentation limitation only (see Standard Requester Credentials for Making Calls).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetBestOffersRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Input Fields -->
  <BestOfferID> BestOfferIDType (string) </BestOfferID>
  <BestOfferStatus> BestOfferStatusCodeType </BestOfferStatus>
  <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
  <Pagination> PaginationType
    <EntriesPerPage> int </EntriesPerPage>
    <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
  <!-- Standard Input Fields -->
  <DetailLevel> DetailLevelCodeType </DetailLevel>
  <!-- ... more DetailLevel values allowed here ... -->
  <ErrorLanguage> string </ErrorLanguage>
  <MessageID> string </MessageID>
  <OutputSelector> string </OutputSelector>
  <!-- ... more OutputSelector values allowed here ... -->
  <Version> string </Version>
  <WarningLevel> WarningLevelCodeType </WarningLevel>
Argument Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Input Fields [Jump to standard fields]
BestOfferID BestOfferIDType (string) Optional The unique identifier of a Best Offer. An identifier for a Best Offer is automatically created by eBay once a prospective buyer makes a Best Offer on a Best Offer-enabled listing. If a BestOfferID value is supplied in the call request, any ItemID or BestOfferStatus values will be ignored. Only the Best Offer identified by the BestOfferID value will be returned.
BestOfferStatus BestOfferStatusCodeType Optional This field can be used if the seller wants to retrieve Best Offers in a specific state. The typical use case for this field is when the seller wants to retrieve Best Offers in all states for a specific listing. In fact, the All value can only be used if an ItemID value is also supplied in the call request. If a BestOfferID field is included in the call request, any BestOfferStatus value will be ignored since eBay will only search for and return the Best Offer identified in the BestOfferID field.

Default: Active.

Applicable values:

(in/out) Depending on context, this value can indicate that a buyer's Best Offer or that the seller's or buyer's counter offer is in the active state. The Active value can also be used in the GetBestOffers request to retrieve only active Best Offers.
(in/out) This value is used in the GetBestOffers request to retrieve all Best Offers in all states. This value is only applicable to the GetBestOffers call.

(Not all values in BestOfferStatusCodeType apply to this field.)
ItemID ItemIDType (string) Optional The unique identifier of an eBay listing. If an ItemID is used by itself in the call request, all Best Offers in all states are retrieved for this listing. However, the seller can also combine ItemID and a BestOfferStatus value if that seller only wants to see Best Offers in a specific state. If a BestOfferID field is included in the call request, any ItemID value will be ignored since eBay will only search for and return the Best Offer identified in the BestOfferID field.
Pagination PaginationType Optional This container can be used if the seller is expecting that the GetBestOffers call will retrieve a large number of results, so that seller wishes to view just a subset (one page of multiple pages) of those results at a time. See this container's child fields for more information on how pagination is used.
Pagination.EntriesPerPage int Optional This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of entries to return in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of entries that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages) in the result set.

The maximum and default values are not the same for all calls. For most Trading API calls, the maximum value is 200 and the default value is 25 entries per page.

Default: 20.
Pagination.PageNumber int Optional Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0. Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request). See the documentation for the individual calls to determine the correct default value.

Min: 1. Default: 1.
Standard Input Fields  
DetailLevel DetailLevelCodeType Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of data to return for particular data components (e.g., each Item, Transaction, or User) within the response payload. For example, a particular detail level might cause the response to include buyer-related data in every result (e.g., for every Item), but no seller-related data.

Specifying a detail level is like using a predefined attribute list in the SELECT clause of an SQL query. Use the DetailLevel element to specify the required detail level that the client application needs pertaining to the data components that are applicable to the request.

The DetailLevelCodeType defines the global list of available detail levels for all request types. Most request types support certain detail levels or none at all. If you pass a detail level that exists in the schema but that isn't valid for a particular request, eBay ignores it and processes the request without it.

For each request type, see the detail level tables in the Input/Output Reference to determine which detail levels are applicable and which elements are returned for each applicable detail level.

Note that DetailLevel is required input for GetMyMessages.

With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets, please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use GetSellerList, use GranularityLevel instead, or use GetSellerEvents. If you do use 'ReturnAll' with GetSellerList, use a small Pagination.EntriesPerPage value and a narrow EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo date range for better performance.

Applicable values:

(in) Returns all available data. With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets, please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use GetSellerList, use a GranularityLevel or use the GetSellerEvents call instead. If you use ReturnAll with GetSellerList, use a small EntriesPerPage value and a short EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo range for better performance.

(Not all values in DetailLevelCodeType apply to this field.)
ErrorLanguage string Optional Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user is registered with. Below are some examples from different countries.

ID Country
en_AU Australia
de_AT Austria
nl_BE Belgium (Dutch)
fr_BE Belgium (French)
en_CA Canada
fr_CA Canada (French)
zh_CN China
fr_FR France
de_DE Germany
zh_HK Hong Kong
en_IN India
en_IE Ireland
it_IT Italy
nl_NL Netherlands
en_SG Singapore
es_ES Spain
de_CH Switzerland
en_GB United Kingdom
en_US United States
MessageID string Optional Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
OutputSelector string Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
You can use the OutputSelector field to restrict the data returned by a call. This field can make the call response easier to manage, especially when a large payload is returned. If you use the OutputSelector field, the output data will only include the field(s) you specified in the request, as well as all of its child fields (if a field is a container) and its parent fields (if any). Note that it is possible that a field included through an OutputSelector field may still not be returned if it is not applicable, or if it is not found based on other criteria set up in the request payload.

For example, if you are using GetItem and you only want to retrieve the URL of the View Item page (emitted in ViewItemURL field) and the item's Buy It Now price (emitted in BuyItNowPrice field), you would include two separate OutputSelector fields and set the value for each one as ViewItemURL and BuyItNowPrice as in the following example:

 If the following output selectors are used: 



...the response might look like the following

<BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">0.0</BuyItNowPrice>

See OutputSelector.

Version string Conditional The version number of the API code that you are programming against (e.g., 1149). The version you specify for a call has these basic effects:
  • It indicates the version of the code lists and other data that eBay should use to process your request.
  • It indicates the schema version you are using.
You need to use a version that is greater than or equal to the lowest supported version.
For the SOAP API: If you are using the SOAP API, this field is required. Specify the version of the WSDL your application is using.

For the XML API: If you are using the XML API, this field has no effect. Instead, specify the version in the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header. (If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.)

    HTTP headers
    eBay Schema Versioning Strategy
    Lowest Supported Version

WarningLevel WarningLevelCodeType Optional Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in a request.

An unrecognized element is one that is not defined in any supported version of the schema. Schema element names are case-sensitive, so using WarningLevel can also help you remove any potential hidden bugs within your application due to incorrect case or spelling in field names before you put your application into the Production environment.

WarningLevel only validates elements; it doesn't validate XML attributes. It also doesn't control warnings related to user-entered strings or numbers, or warnings for logical errors.

We recommend that you only use this during development and debugging. Do not use this in requests performed in the Production environment.

Applicable values:

(in) The WarningLevel value is set to High if the user wishes to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. Setting the WarningLevel value to High is not recommended in a production environment. Instead, it should only be used during the development/debugging stage.
(in) The WarningLevel value is set to Low if the user does not wish to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. This is the default value if WarningLevel is not specified in the call request.

See Warning Level.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that might be returned in the response. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are not returned (or soon will not be returned) or are not operational (or soon will be non-operational).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetBestOffersResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Output Fields -->
  <BestOfferArray> BestOfferArrayType
    <BestOffer> BestOfferType
      <BestOfferCodeType> BestOfferTypeCodeType </BestOfferCodeType>
      <BestOfferID> BestOfferIDType (string) </BestOfferID>
      <Buyer> UserType
        <Email> string </Email>
        <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
        <RegistrationDate> dateTime </RegistrationDate>
        <ShippingAddress> AddressType </ShippingAddress>
        <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
      <BuyerMessage> string </BuyerMessage>
      <ExpirationTime> dateTime </ExpirationTime>
      <Price currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Price>
      <Quantity> int </Quantity>
      <SellerMessage> string </SellerMessage>
      <Status> BestOfferStatusCodeType </Status>
    <!-- ... more BestOffer nodes allowed here ... -->
  <Item> ItemType
    <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice>
    <Currency> CurrencyCodeType </Currency>
    <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
    <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
      <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
  <ItemBestOffersArray> ItemBestOffersArrayType
    <ItemBestOffers> ItemBestOffersType
      <BestOfferArray> BestOfferArrayType
        <BestOffer> BestOfferType
          <BestOfferCodeType> BestOfferTypeCodeType </BestOfferCodeType>
          <BestOfferID> BestOfferIDType (string) </BestOfferID>
          <Buyer> UserType
            <Email> string </Email>
            <FeedbackScore> int </FeedbackScore>
            <RegistrationDate> dateTime </RegistrationDate>
            <ShippingAddress> AddressType </ShippingAddress>
            <UserID> UserIDType (string) </UserID>
          <BuyerMessage> string </BuyerMessage>
          <ExpirationTime> dateTime </ExpirationTime>
          <Price currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Price>
          <Quantity> int </Quantity>
          <SellerMessage> string </SellerMessage>
          <Status> BestOfferStatusCodeType </Status>
        <!-- ... more BestOffer nodes allowed here ... -->
      <Item> ItemType
        <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice>
        <Currency> CurrencyCodeType </Currency>
        <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID>
        <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType
          <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime>
      <Role> TradingRoleCodeType </Role>
    <!-- ... more ItemBestOffers nodes allowed here ... -->
  <PageNumber> int </PageNumber>
  <PaginationResult> PaginationResultType
    <TotalNumberOfEntries> int </TotalNumberOfEntries>
    <TotalNumberOfPages> int </TotalNumberOfPages>
  <!-- Standard Output Fields -->
  <Ack> AckCodeType </Ack>
  <Build> string </Build>
  <CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID>
  <Errors> ErrorType
    <ErrorClassification> ErrorClassificationCodeType </ErrorClassification>
    <ErrorCode> token </ErrorCode>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="string"> ErrorParameterType
      <Value> string </Value>
    <!-- ... more ErrorParameters nodes allowed here ... -->
    <LongMessage> string </LongMessage>
    <SeverityCode> SeverityCodeType </SeverityCode>
    <ShortMessage> string </ShortMessage>
  <!-- ... more Errors nodes allowed here ... -->
  <HardExpirationWarning> string </HardExpirationWarning>
  <Timestamp> dateTime </Timestamp>
  <Version> string </Version>
Return Value Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Output Fields [Jump to standard fields]
BestOfferArray BestOfferArrayType Conditionally All Best Offers for the item according to the filter or Best Offer ID (or both) used in the input. The buyer and seller messages are returned only if the detail level is defined. Includes the buyer and seller message only if the ReturnAll detail level is used. Only returned if Best Offers have been made.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferArray.BestOffer BestOfferType Always,
repeatable: [1..*]
For GetBestOffers, each BestOffer container consists of detailed information on the Best Offer/Counter Offer, including the type of Best Offer (Best Offer, Buyer/Seller Counter Offer), amount of the Best Offer/Counter Offer, and status of Best Offer/Counter Offer.

For RespondToBestOffer, each BestOffer container provides the status ('Success' or 'Failure') of the Best Offer action (Accept, Counter, or Decline), which are defined in BestOfferActionCodeType.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferTypeCodeType Always This value indicates whether the corresponding offer is a Best Offer, a seller's counter offer, or a buyer counter offer to the seller's counter offer.

Applicable values:

(out) This value indicates that the offer is an original Best Offer made by a prospective buyer to the seller.
(out) This value indicates that the offer is a prospective buyer's counter offer against the seller's counter offer.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the offer is a seller's counter offer against the seller's original Best Offer.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferIDType (string) Always Unique identifier for a Best Offer. This identifier is created once a prospective buyer makes a Best Offer on an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferArray.BestOffer.Buyer UserType Always Container consisting of information about the prospective buyer who made the Best Offer.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site.

An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address.

Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.
Max length: 64 for US. May differ for other countries. Note: The eBay database allocates up to 128 characters for this field .

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Anonymous user information
    Member communications

int Always The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

dateTime Always Indicates the date the specified user originally registered with eBay.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

AddressType Conditionally Contains the shipping address of a bidder who has made a Best Offer for an item.

You cannot retrieve a shipping address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site. The shipping address of another user is returned only if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation.

Because a bidder's user information is anonymous, this container is returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

string Conditionally A prospective buyer has the option to include a comment when placing a Best Offer or making a counter offer to the seller's counter offer. This field will display that comment.
Max length: 500 (in bytes).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
dateTime Always Timestamp indicating when a Best Offer will naturally expire (if the seller has not accepted or declined the offer).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferArray.BestOffer.Price AmountType (double) Conditionally The amount of the Best Offer or counter offer. For this field to be returned, the user must have a relationship to the Best Offer, either as the seller, buyer, or potential buyer who has made the Best Offer or counter offer.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always The amount of the Best Offer or counter offer. For this field to be returned, the user must have a relationship to the Best Offer, either as the seller, buyer, or potential buyer who has made the Best Offer or counter offer.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Always The quantity of the item for which the buyer is making a Best Offer. This value will usually be 1, unless the buyer is making an offer on multiple quantity of a line item in a multi-quantity listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A seller has the option to include a comment when making a counter offer to the prospective buyer's Best Offer. This field will display that comment.
Max length: 500 (in bytes).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferStatusCodeType Always The status of the Best Offer or counter offer. For PlaceOffer, the only applicable values are Accepted, AdminEnded, Declined, and Expired.

Applicable values: See Status.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Item ItemType Conditionally This container consists of several details about the listing for which a Best Offer has been made, including the Item ID, the current price of the item (not the Best Offer price), and the time that the listing is scheduled to end.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Item.BuyItNowPrice AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
Item.Currency CurrencyCodeType Conditionally In an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, this required three-digit enumeration value defines the currency associated with the listing site. The item price and all costs passed in the call request will be using this currency. Similarly, the listing fees and other cost-related data will be using this currency. Since the Trading API can only be used for a select number of eBay sites, only a subset of values are supporting when adding/revising/relisting an item. These supported values are discussed in the top section of CurrencyCodeType.

In 'Get' calls, it is possible that any of the values in CurrencyCodeType may appear, as some cost-related fields will show the buyer's currency type.

Applicable values: See Currency.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Item.ItemID ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Item.ListingDetails ListingDetailsType Always Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Item.ListingDetails.EndTime dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemBestOffersArray ItemBestOffersArrayType Conditionally A collection of details about the Best Offers received for a specific item. Empty if there are no Best Offers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemBestOffersType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A collection of details about the Best Offers received for a specific item. Empty if there are no Best Offers. Includes the buyer and seller messages only if the ReturnAll detail level is used.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferArrayType Conditionally All Best Offers for the item according to the filter or Best Offer ID (or both) used in the input. The buyer and seller messages are returned only if the detail level is defined. Includes the buyer and seller message only if detail level ReturnAll is used. Only returned if a Best Offer has been made.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferType Always,
repeatable: [1..*]
For GetBestOffers, each BestOffer container consists of detailed information on the Best Offer/Counter Offer, including the type of Best Offer (Best Offer, Buyer/Seller Counter Offer), amount of the Best Offer/Counter Offer, and status of Best Offer/Counter Offer.

For RespondToBestOffer, each BestOffer container provides the status ('Success' or 'Failure') of the Best Offer action (Accept, Counter, or Decline), which are defined in BestOfferActionCodeType.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferTypeCodeType Always This value indicates whether the corresponding offer is a Best Offer, a seller's counter offer, or a buyer counter offer to the seller's counter offer.

Applicable values:

(out) This value indicates that the offer is an original Best Offer made by a prospective buyer to the seller.
(out) This value indicates that the offer is a prospective buyer's counter offer against the seller's counter offer.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the offer is a seller's counter offer against the seller's original Best Offer.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferIDType (string) Always Unique identifier for a Best Offer. This identifier is created once a prospective buyer makes a Best Offer on an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
UserType Always Container consisting of information about the prospective buyer who made the Best Offer.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site.

An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address.

Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party.
Max length: 64 for US. May differ for other countries. Note: The eBay database allocates up to 128 characters for this field .

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

    Anonymous user information
    Member communications

int Always The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order.

Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site).

If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true.

In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling, feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller. For GetMyeBayBuying, the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling, the feedback score of the seller is returned.

GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information (FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder. GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned.

For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

dateTime Always Indicates the date the specified user originally registered with eBay.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

AddressType Conditionally Contains the shipping address of a bidder who has made a Best Offer for an item.

You cannot retrieve a shipping address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site. The shipping address of another user is returned only if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation.

Because a bidder's user information is anonymous, this container is returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
UserIDType (string) Conditionally Unique eBay user ID for the user.

Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".

Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3. Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

For PlaceOffer, see also SellingStatus.HighBidder.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.

See Anonymous user information.

string Conditionally A prospective buyer has the option to include a comment when placing a Best Offer or making a counter offer to the seller's counter offer. This field will display that comment.
Max length: 500 (in bytes).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
dateTime Always Timestamp indicating when a Best Offer will naturally expire (if the seller has not accepted or declined the offer).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally The amount of the Best Offer or counter offer. For this field to be returned, the user must have a relationship to the Best Offer, either as the seller, buyer, or potential buyer who has made the Best Offer or counter offer.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always The amount of the Best Offer or counter offer. For this field to be returned, the user must have a relationship to the Best Offer, either as the seller, buyer, or potential buyer who has made the Best Offer or counter offer.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Always The quantity of the item for which the buyer is making a Best Offer. This value will usually be 1, unless the buyer is making an offer on multiple quantity of a line item in a multi-quantity listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
string Conditionally A seller has the option to include a comment when making a counter offer to the prospective buyer's Best Offer. This field will display that comment.
Max length: 500 (in bytes).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferStatusCodeType Always The status of the Best Offer or counter offer. For PlaceOffer, the only applicable values are Accepted, AdminEnded, Declined, and Expired.

Applicable values: See Status.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemType Conditionally The item for which Best Offers are being returned. Only returned if a Best Offer has been made.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AmountType (double) Conditionally This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately.

By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored.

The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option.

Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item.

Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
CurrencyCodeType Conditionally In an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, this required three-digit enumeration value defines the currency associated with the listing site. The item price and all costs passed in the call request will be using this currency. Similarly, the listing fees and other cost-related data will be using this currency. Since the Trading API can only be used for a select number of eBay sites, only a subset of values are supporting when adding/revising/relisting an item. These supported values are discussed in the top section of CurrencyCodeType.

In 'Get' calls, it is possible that any of the values in CurrencyCodeType may appear, as some cost-related fields will show the buyer's currency type.

Applicable values: See Currency.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemIDType (string) Conditionally The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified.

Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDetailsType Always Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
dateTime Conditionally Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TradingRoleCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the eBay user is in the Buyer or Seller role for the corresponding Best Offer.

Applicable values:

(in/out) The eBay user is acting as the buyer for the order(s). In GetOrders, this value should be passed into the OrderRole field in the request to retrieve orders in which the calling eBay user is the buyer in the order.
(in/out) This value is reserved for future or internal use.
(in/out) The eBay user is acting as the seller for the order(s). In GetOrders, this value should be passed into the OrderRole field in the request to retrieve orders in which the calling eBay user is the seller in the order.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PageNumber int Conditionally This integer value indicates the current page number of Best Offers that is currently being shown. This value will be the same value passed into the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaginationResult PaginationResultType Conditionally Provides information about the data returned, including the number of pages and the number of entries.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of entries that could be returned by repeated call requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no entries are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
int Conditionally Indicates the total number of pages of data that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a value of 0 if no pages are available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Standard Output Fields  
Ack AckCodeType Always A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for the Ack field.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the call request processing failed.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was processed successfully without any issues.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was successful, but processing was not without any issues. These issues can be checked in the Errors container, that will also be returned when one or more known issues occur with the call request.

(Not all values in AckCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Build string Always This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.
CorrelationID string Conditionally Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
Errors ErrorType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when eBay processed the request.
Errors.ErrorClassification ErrorClassificationCodeType Conditionally API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data.
(out) Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ErrorCode token Conditionally A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

See Errors By Number.

Errors.ErrorParameters ErrorParameterType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
  [ attribute ParamID ]
string Conditionally This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
Errors.ErrorParameters.Value string Conditionally This is the value of the request parameter noted in the ParamID attribute. So, if the ParamID value was ItemID, the value in this field would be the actual value of that ItemID.
Errors.LongMessage string Conditionally A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.
Errors.SeverityCode SeverityCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail) or an informational error (a warning) that should be communicated to the user.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data.

If the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), change the application before you retry the request.
  • If the problem is due to end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request to eBay.
  • If the source of the problem is on eBay's side, An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

See the Error handling section of the Making a Trading API call guide for more information.
(out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning.

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ShortMessage string Conditionally A brief description of the condition that raised the error.
HardExpirationWarning string Conditionally Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced with a new token.
Timestamp dateTime Always This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the Time Values section in the eBay Features Guide for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone.

Note: GetCategories and other Trading API calls are designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, this time value reflects the time the cached response was created. Thus, this value is not necessarily when the request was processed. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, this time value does reflect when the request was processed.
Version string Always The version of the response payload schema. Indicates the version of the schema that eBay used to process the request. See the Standard Data for All Calls section in the eBay Features Guide for information on using the response version when troubleshooting CustomCode values that appear in the response.

Detail Controls


The DetailLevel input field influences which call-specific fields may be returned. (All standard output fields are returned regardless of DetailLevel.)

The none column indicates the fields that are returned when you do not specify a DetailLevel.

YThe field is always returned.
(Y)The field is conditionally returned. See the field documentation for clarification of conditions.
-The field is not returned.

Output Field none ReturnAll


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Basic Call

Returns all the best offers made for a particular ItemID.


The following call queries for all best offers made for a particular ItemID. DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll, which causes the response to include all messages from prospective buyers, if they exist.


XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetBestOffersRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<GetBestOffersResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <Price currencyID="USD">15.0</Price>
    <Price currencyID="USD">14.0</Price>
    <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">23.0</BuyItNowPrice>
    <Location>Seattle, WA</Location>
    <Title>Wizard Outfit</Title>

Change History

Change Date Description
  • BestOffer.Buyer.ShippingAddress (added): This container returns the shipping address of a bidder who has made a best offer for an item. Because a bidder's user information is anonymous, this container is returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on.
  • BestOffer.NewBestOffer (added): This boolean field will indicate whether the Best Offer is a traditional Best Offer ('false' value) or if the Best Offer is part of the Best Offer Beta program where a Best Offer that has been accepted by the seller is not binding until the buyer either pays for, or commits to buying the item.
  • BestOffer.ImmediatePayEligible (added): This boolean field will indicate whether the seller is eligible to require immediate payment for the Best Offer. This field is only returned if the Best Offer is part of the Best Offer Beta program.
  • BestOfferArray.BestOffer.Status (modified): Two new values added to BestOfferStatusCodeType. 'PendingBuyerConfirmation' will be returned if the seller is waiting on the buyer to commit to buying the item at the counter offer price. 'PendingBuyerPayment' will be returned if the seller is still awaiting on payment from the buyer. If the buyer does not pay within 48 hours, the counter offer will expire.
  • (modified) You can now omit both ItemID and BestOfferID when calling GetBestOffers. In such, it returns a list of up to 1,000 IDs for best offers submitted by the user (as a bidder) and up to 10,000 IDs for best offers received by the user (as a seller). When the filter "All" is used in this case (when both ItemID and BestOfferID are omitted), its behavior is not "all" but is instead "active best offers only" (i.e. the same as Active).
  • ItemBestOfferArrayType.ItemBestOffers (added): A collection of details about the best offers received for a specific item.
  • ItemBestOffersType.Role,ItemBestOffersType.BestOfferArray,ItemBestOffersType.Item, (added): All best offers for the item according to the filter or best offer id (or both) used in the input.
  • GetBestOffersRequestType.Pagination (added): Specifies how to create virtual pages in the returned list (such as total number of entries and total number of pages to return).
  • GetBestOffersResponseType.ItemBestOfferArray,GetBestOffersResponseType.PageNumber,GetBestOffersResponseType.PaginationResult (added): All best offers for the item according to the filter or best offer id (or both) used in the input.
  • (added) A buyer can make a GetBestOffers call to see the buyer's best offer (BestOfferID, etc.) and the current state of the best offer (e.g., whether the seller has made a counter offer).
  • DetailLevel (added): The ReturnAll detail level has been added to GetBestOffers. If you specify ReturnAll in the DetailLevel field, the response can include the BuyerMessage field in the BestOffer container.
  • GetBestOffers (modified): GetBestOffers now returns Best Offers that come in through Classified Ad listings.